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Java exploit!


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I don't go to many web sites at all.. And preaty much after last Virus I got, I only go to 3-4 web sites now. Or new game sites..

But today I logged on and when I came to nexus. The bells and whistles went off.

The stupid JAVA(hatred of) opened wide and droppen in Trojan:win32/Alureon.fk on me. lucky it was caught..

please check your site!!!

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That is a bit scary :ohdear: . So could you actually have stuff automatically download onto your computer simply by having your browser load a java plugin? Not even a click of a button needed? Good thing I havn't been getting adds on the site for a while I suppose :laugh: .
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Well... you can but as long as you have an antivirus you should be fine. Though in order for that to happen here on nexus someone would have to gain control of the site to put in on your computer.


You're more at risk of someone planting a virus in a mod file and submitting than you are from just getting one from browsing the site, and it always seemed to me the nexus staff does a really good job in removing dangerous files when users report problems.


If your really paranoid about viruses look into installing some VM software on your computer. For those who don't have a tech background, its a virtual machine that runs isolated from your host files. In the virtual machine you can create a snapshot before going online and if your machine picks up a malware you can just revert to the snapshot to get rid of it (though you lose all changes and files you made after making the snapshot).

Edited by SimpleGlitch
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A virus i wouldn't think would cause that much chaos, especially with the really bad internet. lol as you kept complaining about. :teehee:
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