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Questions about resource loading


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Oh, sorry. Guess I was confused, too...


No, as far as I know the "loose files over .bsa" behavior is hard-coded into the game engine, so no, nothing you can do will change that.


When you look at your mod load order are all the mods with plugins always first after a deployment? If you move a mod with a plugin and redeploy does it stay it the same place if there is no reason for LOOT to move it?

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Just to clarify, which Vortex tab are we talking about here, Mods or Plugins? I don't want to babble on about the wrong subject again...


The mods tab does it, for you, remain stable unless a plugin disagrees with you ordering and if it has a bsa it is always shown as loading before those without. You a quite correct to ask as I meant plugins with a bsa.

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In a practical sense, the only effect that Vortex's Mods tab has on plugins is determining which ones show up as installed, i.e., available to activate on the Plugins tab. Changing the order of the plugins on the Plugins tab will do nothing whatsoever to the Mods tab; they are completely separate entities.


I think, though (and this may be a linguistic issue), what you're asking is: does Vortex sort the mods on the Mods tab by whether they have a .bsa or not? No, it does not. Or at least, I haven't noticed an option to that effect yet. By default, it sorts your mods on that tab alphabetically by the first word of the mod name. While there is a column on the Mods tab named Install Order, it is hidden by default, and at least right now for me doesn't show anything anyway. Probably means that particular bit of code hasn't been implemented yet...


EDIT: After rereading that last post, I should probably clarify: The only way the sort on the Mods tab is going to change is if you do something manually to change it - pick a different sort such as name or status, etc., or install a new mod.

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EDIT: After rereading that last post, I should probably clarify: The only way the sort on the Mods tab is going to change is if you do something manually to change it - pick a different sort such as name or status, etc., or install a new mod.


So the mod index only works in the 'plugin' tab as you just mentions to in 'Managing load order ...'.


EDIT: sorry to go on about this, but until the alpha is opened up I cannot try it for myself :) .

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Oh. Derp. That's why I've been such an idiot trying to explain this...


I assumed you were part of the test group and, therefore, looking at the program. Mea culpa...


No problem. If I was in the test group I would have been annoying the feedback thread :smile: . This subforum seemed to have more people still waiting, mind the does not some from providing 'feedback' with out trying it :wink: .

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