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I have a question about .NIF and .DDS files


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Hello Everyone!


I have a "novice" question when it comes to textures and what not.


What I found:


I have found an armor texture created by another user and asked him if he could make a Standalone version for me because I don't like replacing the original game armor textures with his provided .dds files. I create my own "personal use" armor mods for my brother and I to more enjoy our game play experience.


After getting the Original Modder's permission, I decided to make the Standalone version of the armor texture mod.


All that is provided are the .dds files which to my understanding will replace the "vanilla" textures in game as long as the file name and path match that of the skyrim-textures.bsa.


What I have found is some modders have the meshes included and this is what I would like to make for these .dds files so I can use the armor without replacing the "vanilla" armor textures.


My Questions:


I know I can use FO3 Arc Utility, to extract the .NIF from the Skyrim_Meshes.bsa


How do I link the .NIF from the Skyrim-meshes.bsa to the .DDS files that are provided? Do I use NifSkope?


Reason I ask is I have seen where on certain mods I would change both the meshes and texture directory names to name the armor something different, but when I load the mesh in an "Armor Addon" in the Creation Kit, it will not display the texture on the Mesh, and when I change it back to its original directory structure, it applies the texture to the mesh properly which leads me to believe there is a program that links the two files in the current directory structure and names at the time of creation. Am I correct in assuming this and if so what is the program used and how do I do this?


Also am I correct to assume that the .NIF is just a "canvas" for the .DDS file, meaning I can use lets say the Elvenarmorm.nif from skyrim-meshes.bsa and apply or attach any .DDS file made for Elven Armor? to it?



Thanks in advance for all the help guys!

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Hello Everyone!


I have a "novice" question when it comes to textures and what not.


What I found:


I have found an armor texture created by another user and asked him if he could make a Standalone version for me because I don't like replacing the original game armor textures with his provided .dds files. I create my own "personal use" armor mods for my brother and I to more enjoy our game play experience.


After getting the Original Modder's permission, I decided to make the Standalone version of the armor texture mod.


All that is provided are the .dds files which to my understanding will replace the "vanilla" textures in game as long as the file name and path match that of the skyrim-textures.bsa.


What I have found is some modders have the meshes included and this is what I would like to make for these .dds files so I can use the armor without replacing the "vanilla" armor textures.


My Questions:


I know I can use FO3 Arc Utility, to extract the .NIF from the Skyrim_Meshes.bsa


How do I link the .NIF from the Skyrim-meshes.bsa to the .DDS files that are provided? Do I use NifSkope?


Reason I ask is I have seen where on certain mods I would change both the meshes and texture directory names to name the armor something different, but when I load the mesh in an "Armor Addon" in the Creation Kit, it will not display the texture on the Mesh, and when I change it back to its original directory structure, it applies the texture to the mesh properly which leads me to believe there is a program that links the two files in the current directory structure and names at the time of creation. Am I correct in assuming this and if so what is the program used and how do I do this?


Also am I correct to assume that the .NIF is just a "canvas" for the .DDS file, meaning I can use lets say the Elvenarmorm.nif from skyrim-meshes.bsa and apply or attach any .DDS file made for Elven Armor? to it?



Thanks in advance for all the help guys!



extract mesh and other thingys bsa browser


yes nifskope and the go to the textureset in the specifik mesh u want to edit



all u need to know exist in these forums search for it :)

Edited by theru
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Ok so,


I take the .dds (texture) I like and open with Gimp and extract it as .obj


Next: I see in NifSkope that there is an -import- option for importing meshes in .obj form.


Now what will this do exactly? Will I have to go ahead and put the files in the proper file structure before I start this process?








I am so confused, I don't see a tutorial on how to use a premade .dds and apply it to a .nif and import a Standalone gear set into the game.


I see one tutorial, it's quick, but it mentions something about models in the Armor Addon category, which im familiar with, but what kind of file does that look for? .dds?


Thanks again!

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"I take the .dds (texture) I like and open with Gimp and extract it as .obj"

DDS is the texture format, OBJ is a 3D format to save 3D objects - there is no connection.


As far as i understand you problem, there are 2 ways:


NifSkope OR Texturesets (CK only)

Just some general talking to give you an understanding:




Most armor parts use 2 NIF files, NAME_0.nif and NAME_1.nif, 0= light (skinny) 1=heavy (fat) - the weightslider morphs everything between at character creation. There are NAMEgnd or go.nif files as well = world model or 1stpersonNAME.nif files for first person view. Each NIF contains the 3D model (mesh), bones, different effects and whatever...the most important thing:


When you open a NIF and click on the 3D model on the right side you will see a block highlighted on the left side. This block is some kind of container that contains the mesh (NiTriShapeData) and the texture/shader settings (BSLightningShaderProperties). You can open its folder structure (little arrow) to reveal the BSShaderTextureSet block, when you select this entry you will see TEXTURES in the below window...you can open this entry as well to see the texture paths. This would be the place to set up your new texture paths (like textures\armor\NEW\NEW.dds)


NAME.dds = diffuse map, the texture itself (most important file for you i guess), if it's only a simple color change then you just have to change this path.

When you changed all paths in all necessary NIF files you have to save them in, lets say: Skyrim\data\meshes\NEW\NEW_0.nif , NEW_1.nif, 1stpersonNEW.nif)


Afterwards you have to set up new entries in the CK so the game recognizes your new armor. A rough overview most armor use these forms, Daedric Helmet as example:


ArmorDaedricHelmet= Armor values, body slots, path to world model (GO.nif), as well as a link to DaedricHelmetAA

DaedricHelmetAA= Armor Addon with race values, paths to the models (NIF files)


So you copy bot forms rename/change ID to ArmorNEW and NEWAA, open ArmorNew, change the Name, change the path to world model (if you edited that as well) and in the MODEL window delete DaedricHelmetAA and enter your NEWAA. Press OK, open NEWAA and change the paths to the NIF files, Biped models and first person models if it uses 'em. Your new linked nifs contain the paths to your new textures since you edited in NifSkope. That's all, save the plugin and ingame open the console and enter HELP "NEW ARMOR NAME" 4 to display your new armor with code, enter PLAYER.ADDITEM CODE 1 to get the item...you can make it craftable as well by creating a TemperArmorNEW entry in the CK...just copy an existing TemperArmor form and change the created item in the bottom right menu to your armor...check out part 4 of my signature tutorial, i do the same with weapons, quite similar.


The 2nd method: TextureSets...


The CK uses TextureSets to add new textures to an already existing NIF...so you don't have to edit the texture paths in the NIF itself, just create this redirection. In CK you can search for MONKROBES, they use such forms. I never did that myself but it should be a much easier method.


Afaik you create the ArmorNEW and NEWAA forms as mentioned before but this time you don't change the NIF paths because we use no edited nif files, create or copy/paste a TextureSet - like the MonkRobes, open the texturesets and you will see there are options to change the dds for diffuse map, normal map and whatever...so there you have to set up your new texture paths and save it, lets say as NEW. After that you have to open your NEWAA, press on SELECT next to the Bipod models (where you entered your NIF paths) and it will open the armor's NIF - and there you can select the armor/clothing (not the skin) double click and it will open a new window, in this window you can enter your textureset = NEW...now the armor should use the new textures. But this is just my general idea bout it, use the search option, feed it with TEXTURESET - I've seen a few more detailed tutorials.



Edited by ghosu
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I was playing with the creator today because I want a simple mod to create a shield that looks like a staff. I have watched and read several tutorials on making and modding weapons and armor, but none address how to do what I want to do. Any help, advice or directions would be greatly appreciated.

I have seen at least two mods that add new staves, but one was 95MB! and the other was big as well. I have a slow internet connection and an out of date computer, so I was hoping to avoid a 6 hour+ download to geta mod which only provides me with one small item.



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