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Dont worry, this isnt a tin foil hat moment, i got a couple new airsoft guns!

and they keep getting more and more realistic lol


The first is my newest pistol, a gas blowback (slide moves when i shoot) M1911. Its made of the same materials as a real one, but it holds 12 shots instead of 7. I have a spare mag somewhere >.> oh, and its badass



The second I aquired yesterday is a KART (brand) M14 EBR with the barrel cut down 3 inches. The scope is vairable zoom from x3 to x9, with illuminated crosshairs. The gun shoots semi and full auto, its heavy as hell, came with 4 hicapacity mags, supressor, original flash hider, and a nice bipod. The stock is super adjustable as well. This gun is pretty rare to come across, so I was lucky to get all this (and a battery) for only 200 bucks! thats less than retail, and the gun by itself would be worth around 100-150 due to use


Edited by TheCalliton
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My only airsoft was picked because it did not look like a realistic gun. It is clear plastic. I use it for discouraging wildlife in my yard - Racoons, possums and other unwelcome critters. I also live on a moderately busy road with nosy people driving by constantly. The clear plastic allows most of them to realize it isn't a real firearm, and if confronted by a cop while holding it - that clear plastic toy could save my life.
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My only airsoft was picked because it did not look like a realistic gun. It is clear plastic. I use it for discouraging wildlife in my yard - Racoons, possums and other unwelcome critters. I also live on a moderately busy road with nosy people driving by constantly. The clear plastic allows most of them to realize it isn't a real firearm, and if confronted by a cop while holding it - that clear plastic toy could save my life.

which is why I only play at state run games where the police and state know what is going on.

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@Ben: don't put it past the police to not shoot you anyway. :P


I have 2 P99s, a P226, an M9, an MP5 and I think that is all.


The P99s are fun. Since I also have a real P99, people easily get them confused. So sometimes I'll grab the one with the black slide and give my friends a little scare. I know my guns better than most people know themself, so I always know which is which. But they don't. *evil laughter*

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