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choose: one handed / 2 handed weapon


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I don't know if you agree me, but when you find a weapon and it's not a weapon one handed or 2 handed, it's really anoying.

I was thinking of a script that in the menu (or in the game with a specific key) you can choose how do you want to use it.

But, I'm not really good (or god biggrin.gif ) on scripting. If someone can contact me to give ideas, or do the script I will be thery happy. :thanks:

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I don't know if you agree me, but when you find a weapon and it's not a weapon one handed or 2 handed, it's really anoying.

What would this be, a psyonic implant?

I was thinking of a script that in the menu (or in the game with a specific key) you can choose how do you want to use it.

This isn't just a choice question. It's something related with animation among other little things, can't be adjusted by scripting.

But, I'm not really good (or god biggrin.gif ) on scripting. If someone can contact me to give ideas, or do the script I will be thery happy. :thanks:

So, better going to the graphical studio...

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I'm french, so sorry about my bad english

In Shivering isles, there is a weapon that changes automaticly at evening and at morning: I think it's "fang of evening" and "fang of morning". Is it possible to change what type of weapon do you want to use?


I have an idea:

if you have to same weapons, but one named Xa (one handed) and the other Xb (2 handed), is it possible to change weapon with a key, like the two "fangs"?


what do you think abouta script like that?

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