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"universal" NPC skeletons cause massive FPS drops


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Even without BBB installed, I still find I need a proper skeleton installed to use any armor that's BBB enabled, otherwise the breasts go all weird and stretch to infinity. The downside is, using Coronerras' Maximum Compatibility Skeletons even without BBB installed stresses my game when I have any female NPCs on screen and it gets quite bad in combat areas. before installing the skeleton, fighting through OOO's Dzonot Cave and the Amazons was no chore... now, it's literally a single-digit FPS slide show. I can just remove the skeleton but that means avoiding BBB enabled armor which I find a lot of it now is usually rigged for it.


I know there's Universal Skeleton Nif which is newer but I'm not sure switching to it will do much good. I suspect the enhanced skeleton of any type is putting extra strain on my video card, which is good enough to run the game but not good enough to run it at high settings.

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If you do decide to experiment with Universal Skeleton Nif I suggest the ControlableSkeleton version rather than the TotalControlableSkeleton version. The total version has scalable bones that will only add to your load and is only required for mods that specifically require that version. I can't say that I think it will help in your case as the universal version adds quite a few bones to the Coronerra's version (tail and wings etc.). Switching between them is as simple as swapping a couple of files so it's worth a try.


Are you basing your assessment that the skeleton is at fault by comparing to performance when you use the vanilla skeleton?

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Are you basing your assessment that the skeleton is at fault by comparing to performance when you use the vanilla skeleton?


Exactly. Last night I tested it out with the Amazon Man Hunters at Dzonot Cave(OOO). Even with corpses on the ground the FPS was still pretty bad. Fighting them was a slide show. Getting near Vilena Donton at the Chorrol Fighter's Guild was also pretty bad. After removing Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and going back to the default vanilla skeletons, things massively improved. I could go near these same NPCs without trouble.


The Amazons are actually the worst for fighting as they each tend to cast a self Light spell and much any light source like that- torches, magic, Illuminate Staff- drops my performance slightly, even with a "no flicker" light mod(which only works on certain vanilla light sources anyway). I've tried to find some way to outright disable the slowdown from these lights but have never been able to do so. But even so, without the skeleton I can still fight them with only a slight performance hit, with the skeleton things become almost unplayable. Same for much any group of female NPCs such as Golden Saints and Dark Seducers, which tend to be found in groups.


It doesn't seem to affect males much even in groups, but I only use female body replacers and leave males with the vanilla bodies.

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I figured as much. My only suggestion is that a lot of the older mod armor is available as non-BBBed (in fact you normally need to install the old non-BBB version and then replace the cuirass nif with the BBBed version). Have a look through the listed 'required' mods in Saayas BBB Compilation for example (you of course wouldn't be installing Saaya's BBBed version but using the list as a source of sexy armor links). The other option useful with newer stuff that doesn't have a non-BBBed equivalent is to learn how to un-BBB stuff yourself using NifSkope and/or Blender (something outside of my ability).
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What about a skeleton that's essentially the vanilla body, but adds the extra bones for the BBB breasts and nothing else? Would that be possible? I've noticed that the universal skeletons literally just pile everything on(otherwise they'd not be universal), meaning they have a lot of bones that probably aren't needed unless you go absolutely mod heavy. At the very least I see wings, skirt and flail bones which I don't think I have ever used for anything.
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What you'd be looking for is an early version BBBed skeleton, most likely found by looking through some of the old original BBBed armor/clothing mods (they often included a skeleton file in their download). I know I've seen some in my perusing and installing ... if I run into one I'll pop in a link. The other option might be to 'personalize' one of the modern skeletons, removing the extra bones you don't want. I'm not sure how that might go with some of the newer BBBed armor/clothes that use some of those deleted bones ... you may be inventing a new version of 'boobs to infinity'.
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