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Lucin Lechance as Palpatine


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now tell me how many of you saw and heard Lucin Lechance for the First time and thought "Palpatine" i can tell you I did. I was wondering if someone would complerte that. by makign his face look like Palpatine.












well you cant have Sithis without Sith.

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weow i didn't expect that. dont usualy ge tthat response to my mod ideas. but hey what if when you became Silencer you got Vader Armour?

Vader Armor is near and dear to my heart. ;)

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hm what if we made the Mage's Guild the Jedi Order?


That wouldnt be hard, someone made a jedi master mod... If we asked i bet we can use those force powers he made and it would be easy to make some lightsabers! Robes are pretty ubuntant... although you would need to give ever mage or most mages a saber and force powers... Then we could make a jedi councile in the savahna near bravil... i could go on and on about ideas


heres a Link to the Council Chambers...

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