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Google Glasses


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Nah, they will actually help you drive better. Just image, the pop-up message "Hey IDIOT, You are TOO CLOSE TO THE CAR THAT IS STOPPING IN FRONT OF YOU!"

Hell no, I'm installing the popup blocker plugin. Screw you google, I'm a hit me some cars!


1. Lol. Bumper cars anyone?



2. Thor: VERY good point. How do you escape a filter bubble like that? :unsure:

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Imagine a street full of people using those, they'll be walking into each other, wondering into the road and getting themselves run over. Anyway it's bad enough that Google/Apple/Microsoft know where you are 24/7, I wouldn't want them knowing absolutely everything I do and everyone I interact with. Also why do these ads from tech companies always use people you'd want to punch?
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Neat stuff. Real-time Kanji translation software would be cool for the eventual trip to Japan.

However, I worry about the spying. It's bad enough that your position can be so easily known. Now they'll be able to see what you see...through your own eyes?! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif

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Neat. Probably a lot of lawsuits will ensue from this. Like the little computers they put in new cars that allow the driver to search the web. That seems like it could be worse than texting while driving. But with these glasses...does that mean I won't need lasik eye surgery?
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And don't forget Google tracking wherever you go, noting their privacy policy integrates every app you use.. Note that it could be a huge security risk to your privacy :teehee:

Nevermind the camera which can pretty much see everything you are seeing.

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