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[Tutorial] Tweaking RPG Parameters


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Got it, thanks. :) I've just created my first mod, which was an attempt to eliminate the damage bonus of Cuman Killer to effectively erase the perk. I changed the "wat" value from *2 to *1, but left "bad" at 0.5. However, nothing seems to have changed, and Cumans are just as easy to kill as before. If you'd care to maybe take a look and tell me where I went wrong, I'd very much appreciate it. :laugh:




I edited the file in Notepad++. Also, instead of creating a new directory with Libs and Tables, I simply deleted everything but Libs and Tables in an existing directory after extracting Tables.pak. I also deleted everything but "buff.XML" and I also deleted "buff.tbl" and created an empty text file with the same name. It looks just like any other mod I've seen, so I have no idea why it's not working.

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Did you start a new game after making your edits? The viability of inplace modifications isn't really known, it may be the buffs are loaded once when you start a new game, therefore your changes won't be in effect unless you start a new game.

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Did you start a new game after making your edits? The viability of inplace modifications isn't really known, it may be the buffs are loaded once when you start a new game, therefore your changes won't be in effect unless you start a new game.

Ahhh. No, in fact, I didn't. I assumed it would simply override the existing values in my save file, but if I have to create a new game... that would explain a lot. :P

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Got it, thanks. :smile: I've just created my first mod, which was an attempt to eliminate the damage bonus of Cuman Killer to effectively erase the perk. I changed the "wat" value from *2 to *1, but left "bad" at 0.5. However, nothing seems to have changed, and Cumans are just as easy to kill as before. If you'd care to maybe take a look and tell me where I went wrong, I'd very much appreciate it. :laugh:




I edited the file in Notepad++. Also, instead of creating a new directory with Libs and Tables, I simply deleted everything but Libs and Tables in an existing directory after extracting Tables.pak. I also deleted everything but "buff.XML" and I also deleted "buff.tbl" and created an empty text file with the same name. It looks just like any other mod I've seen, so I have no idea why it's not working.


Just making sure, but did you create an empty .TBL file?

The game has TBL files as well as XML files.

TBL files are basically encrypted, we cant as of yet edit them very easily so we edit the XML files instead as these aren't encrypted.

However, the game will try to use a TBL file first.

So if you edit an XML file, you will also need to include a blank TBL file to force the game to use the XML file.


Simply create a new notepad document, leave it empty, save it and type the filename.tbl and save as type "all files".

Include this in your new PAK file with the XML file and the game will use your XML file instead of the TBL file.


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Noticed in that list, there was several lines that was for respawning, tried some of them but cannot seem to make killing NPC's and not have them respawn. Like for them to stay as corpses, be able to loot them but they not come back to life via respawn for very long time.. at least stay dead and not respawn for at least few centuries or thousand years in game time. (Had each value set at 9000 (not sure how that is in game minutes).


Also is there something or can something be added that would remove the essential tags from those NPC's that are tagged as essential? (started a new game, my first playthrough am leaving alone until they come up with some new content, so second playthrough would love to kill some of those NPC's that are tagged essential's).

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Is there way to get Deafult value for those Parameters? And Also can somebody explain me more the "MinPerkPoints and MinLeftoverPerks"? I would like to change how much and on how often we get perk points :)

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