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[Tutorial] Tweaking RPG Parameters


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Fixed my problem, somehow. Lol. Now im just wondering if its possible to change the actual stat effectiveness. Because no matter how hight or low I set the StatCap, agility always gives about 33 speed... Seems like the effectiveness of stats and skills is tied to the total progression of levels in percentage, 100% being max stat/skill level, instead of being tied to levels themselves. At least when it comes to agility. Max level 100 agility gives the same speed bonus as max level 20 agility (vanilla). Strength seems to give same damage bonuses at various max level caps too, with the only thing really affected by more leves being the carry veight capacity bonus - lvl 100 strength gave over 400 carry capacity. I cant seem to find the file containing stat attributes, only perks. So if anyone knows where its located, or has the time, willingness and is bored enough to look into it themselves, I would appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Fixed my problem, somehow. Lol. Now im just wondering if its possible to change the actual stat effectiveness. Because no matter how hight or low I set the StatCap, agility always gives about 33 speed... Seems like the effectiveness of stats and skills is tied to the total progression of levels in percentage, 100% being max stat/skill level, instead of being tied to levels themselves. At least when it comes to agility. Max level 100 agility gives the same speed bonus as max level 20 agility (vanilla). Strength seems to give same damage bonuses at various max level caps too, with the only thing really affected by more leves being the carry veight capacity bonus - lvl 100 strength gave over 400 carry capacity. I cant seem to find the file containing stat attributes, only perks. So if anyone knows where its located, or has the time, willingness and is bored enough to look into it themselves, I would appreciate it.

Any idea how you were able to resolve it?


I have been trying to edit the xp gain params but to no avail so far. Many of the xp params were removed from the xml in the latest game version 1.8.2 and whatever parameters do remain - they don't seem to take effect no matter what changes you make to them.


I am pretty sure I have followed all the steps correctly to extract the core games files - make my changes and then repackage them. The game loads my .pak fine (both console log as well as game log says so) but the parameters take no effect and I gain xp at a fixed rate as base game.


I wanted to edit the xp gain for my second playthrough because the herbalism grind (and a few more) is ridiculous - more so on hardcore with 'numbskull'. Sigh, guess I will just uninstall the game.

Edited by jack1395
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, If someone made some edits to any of the xmls and got the error - Database Error Tables can't be loaded - I just wanted to comment the solution, check each <!-- Comment --> that you added.


I had this issue, and I found out I accidentally copied an extra <!-- to one of my comments, so it looked like this:


<!-- <!-- Comment -->


And that apparently crashes the game. Just wanted to post this in case anyone from google has the issue to try to save them some time. Sorry for necro.

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From browsing mod pages, I've seen a lot of requests from users towards modders for merging various tweaks made in the rpg_param.xml file. Since this file controls quite a lot of different things and therefore will be a very common conflict, t's probably better if users learn to make these edits themselves.


This short guide will cover the process so anybody can make edits and create their own mod.




1. To get the vanilla rpg_param.xml file, you need to extract it from the Tables.pak file. This is found in the Kingdom Come Deliverance/Data/ folder.


2. Within the Tables.pak file itself, navigate to Libs/Tables/rpg/ and extract the file.


3. In any directory, create a folder called Libs, and then within another called Tables, and within that rpg. You should end up with this folder structure:


4. Place your extracted rpg_param.xml file here.


You can now start editing the file.




Open the file in a text editor, I recommend Notepad++ to ensure the encoding remains correct.


Each parameter within this file is defined in a row, with the rpg_param_key attribute defining which game setting to edit, and the rpg_param_value attribute setting the actual value.


So, for example, if you wanted to change the Skill Cap from 20 to 30, you'd need to add a new row. To do this, add a line similar to the example below, ensuring it is within the <rows> tags.

<row rpg_param_key="SkillCap" rpg_param_value="30" />

You can add as many new rows as you like, although you shouldn't repeat settings.




Now you've made your changes to the rpg_param.xml file, you need to create your own .pak file so the game can load your edits


First, you need to create an empty .tbl file so the game will load your custom .xml, otherwise it will default to reading the vanilla .tbl file and ignoring your changes.


To do this, just make a new text file with nothing in and save it as rpg_param.tbl. This will create a 0 kb file. This file should be in the same directory as the rpg_parama.xml file.


Now return to the directory you created the Libs folder in. With a program such as 7zip or WinRar, create a new .zip file with the Libs folder at the top. (i.e. right-click on the Libs folder -> 7zip -> Add to archive).


Once the zip file has been created, manually rename it to .pak, which is functionally identical, but allows the file to be read by the game.


You should now have a .pak file called <modname>.pak, with Libs/Tables/rpg/ folders within and both the rpg_param.xml and rpg_param.tbl files within the rpg folder.


Place your pak file into the games Data folder and launch the game, your edits will now appear ingame.




There are numerous parameters that are not listed in the vanilla rpg_param.xml file. The following is a list of all the parameters found within the .dll and the comments left with them. They have been loosely sorted so it's easier to find what parameters you want.



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I see that the above parameters have no comment, but if I have interpreted them correctly, they are the ones that govern the Stat XP gain you get from fighting(Strength, Agility). So if I reduce them, I should see a slower growth in Strength and Agility when training/fighting, right? I get tired of reaching full strength/agility half-way through the game while my weapons skills lag behind.

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Okay, I don't really understand how the following should be edited:


FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed # how far do we walk with full speed (10 walk speed) to get 100% dirty

FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed # how far do we walk with half speed to get 100% dirty (other speeds than FullSpeed and HalfSpeed are linearly interpolated)

ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod # how often (in meters walked) do we add dirt to clothing (both for player and NPCs)


Let's say I wanted to eliminate getting dirty entirely, would I set the values like this:

<row rpg_param_key="FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed" rpg_param_value="0" />
<row rpg_param_key="FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed" rpg_param_value="0" />
<row rpg_param_key="ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod" rpg_param_value="0" />


Or like this:


<row rpg_param_key="FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed" rpg_param_value="9999999" />
<row rpg_param_key="FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed" rpg_param_value="9999999" />
<row rpg_param_key="ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod" rpg_param_value="9999999" />


And how would I edit it if I wanted to still get dirty and not eliminate it entirely, but make it take much longer before I do get dirty?


The default/vanilla values for those seem to be:

FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed = 4000

FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed = 1

ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod = 50


So if I want to slow that down, then do so like this?

FullClothDirtyingOnFullSpeed = 9999

FullClothDirtyingOnZeroSpeed = 1

ClothDirtyingUpdatePeriod = 50


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, but don't put it in the data folder, make the mod folder and install the package into that.

You must use a zero length file, renamed as a .tbl file with the same name as your edited .xml (s) otherwise the original, unmodified .tbl will be loaded in preference. (Technically there are alternatives to forcing the .xml to be read from the mod, but I would strongly recommend doing it this way, at least until you can generate a .tbl for the mod folder which contains the compiled .xml data with it's edits.

You need to watch out for spellings of file names, and the formatting and structure of your xml as you edit it, misplaced/mispelled files won't load instead of the existing file and strange things can happen (or nothing), malformed files will usually fail to load and/or crash the game.

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