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Is This Clairvoyance Mod Possible to make?


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sorry for my bad english


one day i try this mod :

Ring of ultravision - Detect Life Undead and nighteye by johneh87



the mod is very simple, cast Clairvoyance every some seconds

this mod is really great,


but there a problem,

if you saving when casting that spell,

the spell effect (mesh) will permanently active


something like this :

Clairvoyance Bug Fix by DeathMetalHHH



so my idea is Ask follower go to "Clairvoyance target"

if player is too far from it, it will stop,

just like Ralof or Hadvar in "Helgen Keep" in "unbound" mission

is this kind mod is possible?

is this possible can someone guide me with the script?

script is not my area,


sorry again for my bad english,

and thanks for reading.

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sorry for my bad english


one day i try this mod :

Ring of ultravision - Detect Life Undead and nighteye by johneh87



the mod is very simple, cast Clairvoyance every some seconds

this mod is really great,


but there a problem,

if you saving when casting that spell,

the spell effect (mesh) will permanently active


something like this :

Clairvoyance Bug Fix by DeathMetalHHH



so my idea is Ask follower go to "Clairvoyance target"

if player is too far from it, it will stop,

just like Ralof or Hadvar in "Helgen Keep" in "unbound" mission

is this kind mod is possible?

is this possible can someone guide me with the script?

script is not my area,


sorry again for my bad english,

and thanks for reading.

There is no problem since people need to avoid making a save while having the spell effect active in-game.


I don't know much about modding, but I doubt that is possible since the Clairvoyance spell only point the direction for a quest objective. Which can be a location or an item or a NPC in another cell.


Also, from what I undertand the player can only tell a follower to do what the player can see (kill a NPC, pick a locked door, open a door via a lever or a chain) in a cell.

Edited by leonardo2
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