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Mouse Won't Move in Main Menu


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I've had this problem occurr twice now and it's starting to annoy me a lot, I've launched the game both from the launcher and SKSE with the same result; the mouse will not move in the Main Menu.

I can still interract with the menu through the keyboard and the mouse does work behind the game, allowing me to interract with things like Steam or a web browser, but it won't switch to the "game mode" mouse when clicking on Skyrim.

I've tried a few things, including unplugging and replugging an Xbox controller, I've also launched other games requiring the mouse and it works just fine for them. As well as verifying caches and using the games launcher to reset settings.

This issue seems to be specific for Skyrim and I'm wondering if it has something to do with the games habit of "locking" the mouse cursor within the game, making interraction with anything else outside the game impossible unless you bring up the Taskmanager.

This is the first time this has happened and I've never encountered it for as long as I've owned the game on Steam.

Has anyone else had this problem and what is the suggested solution beyond what I've mentioned above as these have not proven to work.

Update: I found that restarting Steam solved the issue, however as this has occurred twice now I am certain it will happen again. It'd be nice to know what the cause is.

Edited by Jowain92
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Not sure if its the same issue but every time I start up Skyrim I have to click a mouse button, any will do and the mouse starts doing its thing. In my case its most likely a side effect of 150+ mods one of which is Onetweak that allows me to force window borderless and provides me a small increase in stability.

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