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OCO2 and Robert's body mod


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I'm trying whole day to make this two mods work together. Everything I do and every instruction I follow, it seems that I cant get rid of neck seam or color difference between body and head. So after trying and trying I found Seamless Equipment for Robert's body mod. But (you can call me stupid) I don't know what to do. So I only deleted previous RBM (Robert's body mod) and installed Seamless Eqipment for OCO2. But there is another problem, the orc(s) have black ears - haven't seen other races yet.

So if anyone can tell me how can I install Seamless equipment for RBM. Do I need to install first Seamless equipment for RBM and OCO2 and than OCO2 or do I need anything else? Becouse in description is mentioned mod Seamless OCO2. I'm lost. To be true, my character looks good or better with Seamless equipment for RBM and OCO2 - at least there is no seam on body, but other characters looks strange.

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I'm not sure why Junkacc insists that you need to uninstall Roberts male before installing Seamless for OCO v2 ... it will just overwrite files from Roberts when you install Seamless for OCO v2 (at least if you use good old reliable copy/paste manual install).


I don't use everything from Seamless for OCO v2 myself (I tend to pick and chose a lot of things, but I did use most of it). I recommend OBSE then Blockhead, then Roberts male and whichever supported female body you decide to use (if any), then OCO v2 base, then the compatibility addons for Roberets male and any female body to installed and finish up with Seamless for OCO v2.


After you get past OBSE and Blockhead, at each step allow all folders and files to merge/overwrite (i.e. at each step you want the next step to overwrite what was installed at the previous step).

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1. Install OBSE.

2. Install Blockhead.

3. Install OCO2 and body replacers. (clothing/armor replacers as well)

4. install Seamless OCO2 Edition and body replacer editions. Let them overwrite already installed head/body meshes. You'll need both to get (almost)seamless neck.

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OK. While aranging all this. I must tell that I would like to use nude body not with underwear. So what Seamless do I download - becouse there are 3 files to download 2 main and 1 optional (nude). I have OBSE and blockhead. Than I have installed Roberts body mod, and OCO2. I have tried later installed Seamless (nude) - and I had ugly neck seam. Than I installed also compatibility mod - body replacer, and neck seam was also there. I can live with slight neck seam on my character, but NPC's seams are so ugly. On my character is almost invisible neck seam, but on npc there is a gap between head and body and also discoloration. Will try to post screenshot, to show what I mean.

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Seamless for OCO v2 is the one you should use but if you are not going to install HGEC you will need to do a custom install of only the Roberts male parts.


The Seamless for Roberts male version is for the vanilla head mesh, so it won't make things better when you have OCO v2 installed, it will make things worse. Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 has it own unique head mesh, and Seamless for OCO v2 has it's own tweaked version of that OCO v2 head mesh.


Simplest way is to install OBSE then Blockhead (which you have already done) then Roberts male and HGEC (I suggest EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion). Both Roberts male and EVE have underwear[/b]or[/b] nude options ... pick whichever you prefer (same with body type/bust size).


The For_Idiots package from Seamless for OCO v2 is the simplest to install but it will install the underwear versions of both Roberts male and HGEC. The BAIN version of either/both can be installed either manually (copy/paste) or using Wrye Bash and gives you the opportunity to select exactly the body type you want.

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I think I'm getting somewhere. First I installed Robert's mod. Than I installed OCO2, and compatibiliti mod. After that I downloaded Seamles OCO2 and deleted lower body parts from that mod - so only head parts are installed. I also deleted from that zip file HGEC (or whatever was that other choice of body mods). And there is quite an improvement in game - less neckseam and almost no discoloration. So now I will delete robert's body mod and install Seamless Equipment with OCO2 file, and after that an equipment mod. Hope this will be it.

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Weeeeee, I did it.!!!!!! I noticed that I don't have any armor mods, so I didn't need any equipment mod. So after all day working it out, I made a huge progress. No neck seam, and only a tiny discoloration - almost unnoticable. There is just an ears discoloration on orcs, but i can live with that. Thanx all for help.

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As you are discovering, you can treat the different parts of the male and female body as though they were Lego pieces, as long as you know what you are doing.


Two key points ... the vanilla game will only allow a single body for all males and the same for females, and those body parts need to be named and located in the folder path the game expects them. Second point is that some body parts are designed to be used with their corresponding counterpart. Bulky for upper body is not going to work with Scrawny for lower body.


I have a suggestion for you ... I use body meshes from SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition in my Blockheading project (Blockhead allows you to assign different bodies to individual NPCs and/or different races). Two advantages that the meshes from SetBody give you. One they are seamless, same as the meshes from Seamless for OCO v2 and two, you can pick and choose from a wide range of tackle shapes and sizes for any of the same body types you get in Roberts male. All it requires is a bit of renaming files and putting them in the correct folder.


If you look back in the Robert male mod comments to Dec 25 2016 you'll find a step by step I did for a post by LordNoryam on how to Blockhead the player character. It will get you started down a whole new rabbit hole (if you're up to an adventure).

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