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HUD to show OakFlesh/Ebony flesh remaining time.


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I know on screen huds aren't everyone's thing, but I find it annoying to to fight my way through Skyrim menu system to get to my magic: active effects, to see how long is left on my Flesh armor spell.

I mean the ones listed here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alteration_Spells


Would it be possible to have a small on screen indicator with a timer or graphic effect to show remaining duration please?

I'd be ever so super grateful :wub:

I tried searching various terms to see if this had already been achieved,but so far as I can tell it's an original un-catered for request.


Thank you for your time.

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  • 7 months later...

I'd like to bump this. Active buffs/debuffs on HUD + Health/Stamina/Magicka in numbers displayed on the respective bar + damage numbers on hit and I have everything I need for the HUD.


Don't know why everyone seems so obsessed with this immersion thing that usability is completely forgotten... However, would be great if anyone could make a mod wich at least shows active buffs/debuffs on screen with the remaining time.

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Maybe a full set of ethereal armor, each looking like an armor from the game ?

-Oakflesh : I imagine it would look like someone killed a spriggan and started wearing it for armor.

-Stoneflesh : Actually, I have no idea for this.

-Ebonyflesh : Ebony armor. It's that easy.

-Dragonhide : Dragon scale armor.

They'd all look like they are on a ghost or something, or how the bound weapons look, with the effect too.

Over the actual clothes ofcourse. Wouldn't want a butt naked character with only a transparent magical armor on now, right ?

Anyways, I second the request. It's something that could easily save my character's life.

You know, mages and their low protection clothes. A dragon appeares, and unleashes a fire breath.

You got yourself one roast Dovahkiin. Not a pleasent surprize. lol

Edited by Gerandirr
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