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For those that saw my rant topic


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Please stop making new threads every time you have something to say. Reply to your own damn thread. It's alot easier for people who don't sit around here all day reading every thread to keep track of what has already been said. This is just plain rediculous. Stop trying to get attention by being an annoyance. If you wanted people to see your thread, posting a reply within does far more good than posting repeat threads since a reply not only refreshes your thread, but also points out that you actually read what was posted, and hopefully have something to add to it.


Totally re-writing what was in the first post also tends to be a bad idea, it makes those late-comers unaware of what was being responded to, and makes response posts made after the change seem to conflict with what was before. It's be like posting a thread "who likes icecream?" then after a dozen of people made posts along the lines of "it's great" or "the best thing ever invented" changing the question to "who likes genocide?. Anyone reading that thread wouldn't see the original question, but would be reading the responses as if they were made toward the changed question.

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Read my reply in your own original thread Maybe you are only mislead and feeling pissed off. If what is said there doesn't turns clear to you, well... you aren't a newbie anymore.
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