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Unable to talk to followers!


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Hello, i seem to be having an issue with my followers, i have a mod that allows me to have more then one follower, i have 5 so far. recently my followers were waiting for me in my Instant fortress and earlier i told them that the fortress was there new home so they would stay there if they were to be disbanded. but again earlier they got tired of waiting for me and they left my service. now thats not the problem, the problem is now i can't talk to them...like, at all.


There's no activate text when i mouse over them i click and nothing happens. its like they aren't there. one of my newly acquired followers Rayya from Falkreath i can talk to her no problem, but my other followers seem to just "not exist" anymore even though they're standing right in front of me. is there any way i can fix this? is there a way to...force them to talk to me with the console so i can rehire them?.

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