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Please assist me better understand merged plugin for SSE


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Oldrim merged plugin I understand, however I am not so sure when it deals with SSE.


Is there any additional steps I am suppose to follow after making the patch, ie. resave it in CK (since the MP was made for Oldrim in mind)?


Let's say I have 3 rather simple yet similar mods which I wish to combine into a merged plugin. These mods were all from SSE:


Flora respawn bug fix

Harvest overhaul plants

Harvest overhaul animals


After making a merge plugin, would I need to then open the newly made MP in CK and resave it?


Thank you

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If all of the original mods were for SE, then you shouldn't have to open the merged mod in CK.


When you select SSE as the game when starting Merge Plugins, it creates new ESPs in the proper format for SSE.


If​ you merge a mod from Oldrim​, you might have to open the new mod in the CK and save it. Occasionally Merged Plugins (or rather, the SSEEdit API) will copy a value to the new ESP and not change it's type from 32-bit integer to 64-bit integer. If this happens, Wrye Bash will tell you about it when you try to build a patch, and fixing it is as simple as opening in CK and saving. (No need to even make a manual change to force CK to overwrite.)


Also, if you're merging Oldrim mods, don't forget to convert the meshes with Nif Optimizer and generate facegens from CK.

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