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What's your fighting style?


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Hey guys, a lot of "help me out" topics around in general discussion, making it kind of boring to read, so I decided i'd make this. Title says it all, what fighting style do you prefer? do you gave any specific strategies, a preferred weapon or armor type? do you like melee or ranged fighting better? what's your normal encumbrance level, (if you don't have many ideas, i suppose, or if you're feeling talkative.) I'll post mine to get things started.


My preferred character is more of a rifleman-melee fighter then sniper or non-combat fighter. My skills for melee and guns are both 100, but I'm slightly better up close then I am at a range. (Slightly.) I'll use my scoped hunting rifle to take down enemies from a range, then switch to either a Machete Gladius or Oh, Baby! when they get close, and tear them to shreds. I wear the most protective armor, regardless of weight, but take it off after combat so i can move faster. I prefer scoped weapons, but i'll use weapons with sights like a brush gun if theyare more powerful. I go for slow-firing, powerful-impact weapons like a hunting rifle instead of rapid fire weapons. (Assault Carbine, Light machine gun. submachine gun, etc.) if there is a clump of enemies, i'll throw a grenade or two and then start shooting again. using Oh, Baby! I can quickly (sometimes easily.) take down a deathclaw alpha-male by using mauler and hitting them when they're down. (yet to be tested for legendary.) My encumbrance is usually almost full, since I pack lots of ammo, weapons, and a s--t load of food and water. the rest I fill up with stuff to sell. I keep weapons in top condition with the jury rigger perk. I do fairly well, although I usually can't take down a tough target in a single hit like a sneaky character can't, I'm durable and can keep up steady damage during a fight and noit be torn up in the process.


how about you guys?

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I used to favor an all out sniper, getting my hands on BlackBlossoms "FingerOfGod" .50 cal rifle asap, and using a shotgun for up-close. Explosives as secondary. On higher levels I like to carry either an LMG -like the MG42- or a heavy M2. Perfect if the BOS gets nasty :biggrin:

But -inspired by some awesome screenies- I'm working up a real badass melee character. And with "Bingles melee complete" I can -provided high enough skills- get my hands on some pretty effecient weaponry. As before, I put points in explosives in order to have some kind of ranged capability. I always make my companions do the same.

I always play Hardcore. Which can be a pain -especially with the weight of ammo for the sniper. Not so much for melee. But I DO have a hat that'll give me unlimited weight. I try to limit it for looting purposes though :whistling:

Lastly I always use light armor. Nothing heavier than reinforced leather. If I can predict a really rough time, I'd rather shoot some chems.

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My fighting style is sniper first, shotgun second, pistol next... Though with the rarity of ammo in my game it's often a case of do what you gotta do! If I do happen to get caught in closed quarters and my shotty is out of rounds, I'll normally have a 9mm Grease gun or a carbine handy :D
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Some interesting fighting styles around, maybe i'll try some of them out myself. yes, I helped the egg hatch. anyway, keep 'em coming!
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Recently, I've been using Sniper/Pistol setups. I like stealth. I have six characters, and each are a different type of long rage combat. One uses melee weapons, but I don't use them all the time.


I mainly use automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols. Sometimes it's satisfying to get a pistol kill when the head explodes.

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I like Stealth / High crit. build. As such, I go for sniper first (Headshot! Wheee!); then i go for weapons with a good combination of low AP cost, damage and crit. multiplier (if any), as I tend to go for V.A.T.S. when the enemy is closing in. Finally, if the buggers are still up I finish with a shot gun - but, to be fair, I rarely have to use the shotgun.


I like this combo because:

A) I don't have the need to wear heavy armors, and weight management is easier, which means I can loot more.

B) Need to specialize in only one aggressive skill (Guns) which gives me a lot more room for improving or specializing in other skills, specially early on.

C) If done right, you end up consuming less resources (Stimpaks, caps, etc).

D) -this one is a personal opinion- the extra skill points let you "role-play" more often (assuming you decide to invest in skills like speech, medicine, science, etc)


There are some downsides, however:


First, is not an action-gamer's build, at least not at first. You have to be careful who, how and when you attack. It's more of a strategist-type of build.

You have to fight Intelligently - not fiercely.


Second, If you don't like V.A.T.S., don't try it. It relies on it for mid-range threats.



The build I use is based on some builds I enjoy a lot while playing the Original Fallout and Fallout 2 which, with the sniper perk (the perk is a different monster in those games) is extremely lethal.

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