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What's your fighting style?


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Am I the only one who enjoys vaporizing someone with a laser rifle, or turning them into a pile of goo with a plasma rifle?


But to answer your question, Mid-to long-range combat is perfect for me. As armor goes, the bigger and clunkier the better; I don't care (that much) about agility.


As long as I have good perception and an energy weapon in my hands, I'm like a walking tank.


Edit: I suppose it's from when I first played Fallout 3. When I first picked up that energy pistol and got a critical hit on my target, I fell in love.

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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Black Combat armor + legion recruit mask. Scoped 9mm pistol upgraded to .357 magnum. Scoped hunting rifle.

Bag full of custom CASE ammo. Mainly JSP rounds. Some explosive and high explosive rounds.

Riot shotgun + 50 HE slugs for emergencies.

9mm SMG upgraded to .357 magnum for critical emergencies.

Never use stimpaks. Just some food now and then. I hide behind shelter to avoid getting blown to bits by the CASE ammo I have given out to the natives.


Only use VATS when people get so close its annoying to aim at them. Or on cazadors.


When outnumbered, I flee around corners and wait.

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I fight using stealth to my advantage.


When Infiltrating a base, I use a silenced sniper rifle (mod) to take out the guards outside (but i got to be careful not to let them see each other die otherwise they will know i am here and start looking for me. Thats the fun part, making sure they don't see each other die.). And when inside the base, i normally use my trusty silenced Five-seven (mod) to take out any guards i come across while in sneak mode. After i have sweeped the base and got what i came for, we'll, mission acomplished!


In a normal gunfight though, I use handguns (*cough five-seven! cough*) as my primary weapon, probably because i am more efficient with them than a rifle or machine gun. And also, because I can easily smuggle it into casinos.


I don't really need melee weapons to help me with stealth, They are only useful to me if:


1) I have run out of ammunition in all of my guns

2) If i don't have my guns with me for some reason (e.g. being imprisoned, I'm walking around new vegas without a gun for some weird reason).




As for equipment:


I usually carry with me two grenades: Pulse grenades for when i want to clear a room full of robots, and Frag grenades for clearing a room full of enemies or in a gunfight (But i rarely use them because i fight with stealth, i only use them when i am in a tense gunfight after being detected).


So, that is pretty much how I fight in Fallout: New Vegas.

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On my latest character:


Sniper Rifle for long range (currently using Fenrir National Match, I recommend trying the mod solely because of the ammunition)


Pistol for mid range (some unique pistol from Nordic Firearms mod)


Shotgun for close range (Mirage, unique shotgun from Nordic Firearms mod) tops with shotgun related perks such as And Stay Back (overpowered, imo) and Shotgun Surgeon.


Next playthrough will be quite different because I'm trying to rack up all of the remaining steam achievements in one go. I'll mostly likely be using unarmed for close range and sniper rifles for thinning out the herd before I rush in.

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I like using light armor and sneaking upon my enemies to overwhelm them with sniper rifles or my beloved "Got Wood" from Ruadhan2300. I keep Spike (baby deatchlaw commander from FO3Phalanx) and Willow (from llamaRCA) close to me in case I don't finish them off quickly enough. My character is smart, agile and skilled in sneak, guns, energy weapons and science (because of the Tag! perk).
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Combat shotgun if they are close enough, rifle if they are at a distance, katana (GRA) if they are too weak to waste bullets on, and finally, a silenced 10mm for holdout/picking off targets @ close range.


For tough robots, I have an EMP pulse generator implant in my arm (Project Nevada) to take them down with little trouble.

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