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Maximum area of effect of a spell


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Im trying to make a smell ability. Trouble is it basically requires to detect actors in current area and ideally the radius of the area would be 60k units (sic!). Now, I tried to do it via FindRandomActorFromRef in a loop and it even works. But because it is Skyrim and not Oblivion it takes ages to execute the script (multi threading).


So I deceided to try something else. I have created an area of effect spell similar to spriggan call of the wild. Every actor effected sends its reference to an array in custom quest and then I can work of this array as I choose. Thing is that although I fixed the range to 6k or even 60k its true range is pathetically small. In other words it works but only on very close actors. Any solution of the problem or even a hint of a solution would be most appreciated.

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I can not tell you whether there is a wide-ranging restriction, but it can be.


But if you want to charm actors on the other end of the world, then you really need to take really really really great values​​. Just to explain the dimensions of range :)


Why not making a test spell with an script, which prints you the distance between you an the target in a notification? So you can determine the wanted range.

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I can not tell you whether there is a wide-ranging restriction, but it can be.


But if you want to charm actors on the other end of the world, then you really need to take really really really great values​​. Just to explain the dimensions of range :)


Why not making a test spell with an script, which prints you the distance between you an the target in a notification? So you can determine the wanted range.



Im not sure if I was fully understood. You see Im not talking about a spell which will be aimed at something. On the contrary the spell will be cast only on player and only by a player. What Im concerned about is area of effect of the spell/magic effect. Is there any restriction? How to bypass it? Perhaps Im doing something wrong?

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I know what you mean, but let us make it clear.


The spriggans call of the wild spell has a 6k range. The magic effect tiself is a script effect with a script attached. This script is applied on every actor in that 6k range when it's casted.


This is basicly the same you want to do, right?


What did you configured in the spell and what in the magic effect?


What type has your magic effect? When it's a cloak effect, than the range is defined by magnitude not by area.

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I know what you mean, but let us make it clear.


The spriggans call of the wild spell has a 6k range. The magic effect tiself is a script effect with a script attached. This script is applied on every actor in that 6k range when it's casted.


This is basicly the same you want to do, right?


What did you configured in the spell and what in the magic effect?


What type has your magic effect? When it's a cloak effect, than the range is defined by magnitude not by area.


I tried to make my lesserpower and magic effect as similar to spriggan call of the wild as possible. Perhaps Im wrong, but it seems to me that in reality the spriggan call of the wild radius is much smaller than 6k. I belive it is very small. If you could verify it yourself I would be very greatfull although I realize you propably have a lot of things to do. If you have any suggestion please let me know. It would be wonderfull if I made it work. You see, its not just a smell ability that is at stake although that one itself would be quiet interesting. Imagine abilities to command you followers to attack actors without directly aiming them by using voice powers and giving only general direction that allows to choose appropriate actors or driving actors mad without any visual contact.


BTW I appreciate your support. I mean it.

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I found a bug a couple weeks ago. It might have something to do with the problem you're seeing. Also, just because something is in the AoE doesn't mean that they'll be affected by the spell. It's like the AoE effect is actually a huge amount of aimed spells fired off in every direction. If an NPC is behind a chair or a lamp or something, then depending on their angle from the caster, they won't get hit.


Also, brief blurb about units:


For magic effects, area is measured in feet, not units. Script functions use units, which are much smaller than feet. For example, the default activation distance is 150 units. This is the maximum distance from which you can activate an object (eg how far away you can stand from a door until you are no longer able to see the activation prompt).

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A cloak effect should fix your range problem.


Magic Effect 1

Effect Archetype: Cloak

Casting Type: "Constant Effect" or "Fire and Forget", what you need

Delivery: Self

Assoc. Item 1: Spell 1


Spell 1

Type: Spell

Casting: Concentration

Delivery: Aimed

Effect: Magic Effect 2


Magic Effect 2

Effect Archetype: What you need

Casting Type: Concentration

Delivery: Aimed

Papyrus Scripts: What you need


This works as follow:

The cloak (Magic Effect 1) casts "Spell 1" on every target (friend and enemy) in his range. The range is defined by the magnitude of the cloak (Magic Effect 1). This also works through walls or objects that block line of sight.

Edited by Outlandstalker
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TRIUMPH! Thank you Outlandstalker your method works very well. Thank you fg109 for sharing your knowledge. Small issue though. I could never detect target than are 16k of units (not feets) away from player. The same issue occures when using FindRandomActorFromRef. I wonder why.
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