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Loot Error


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I noticed when I used the Loot program today I got an error. Does anyone know how to fix this. I can't find anything. It won't set the order anymore.


Oh no, something went wrong! You can check your LOOTDebugLog.txt
(you can get to it through the main menu) for more information.


Windows 7


[11:34:15.719990] [warning]: Chromium console message: Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated, and is planned to be removed in M65, around March 2018. Please refer to https://goo.gl/EGXzpw for possible migration paths.

[11:34:16.861995] [warning]: Blocking load of resource at https://fonts.googleapis.com



[11:34:19.815064] [warning]: No masterlist present at C:\Users\AC\AppData\Local\LOOT\Skyrim\masterlist.yaml


[11:34:23.668285] [error]: Exception while executing query: Git operation failed. Details: -17; unknown certificate check failure: libgit2 error


[11:34:23.736288] [error]: Chromium console message from http://loot/ui/js/handlePromiseError.js at line 14: Error: Oh no, something went wrong! You can check your LOOTDebugLog.txt (you can get to it through the main menu) for more information.
at onFailure (http://loot/ui/js/query.js:43:16)

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Yes, been there, panicked, then actually read the instructions and easily fixed.


See the LOOT Faqs->Common Issues->17. "I'm on Windows 7 and get an error whenever I try

to update the masterlist. How do I fix this?"




Follow the link provided ("enabld TLS 1.2 support") to the Microsoft Support page to update

Windows 7 to support TLS 1.2.


Note even if you have the required MS update kb3140245, LOOT may still not work, in which case

page down the MS support page until you see the "Easy Fix" option, and follow the instructions there.

(that's what I had to do).


As I understand, everyone using Windows 7 may have to do this to get LOOT to work.


You can also visit the LOOT thread page 11 onwards to read more:





Hope that helps - Bob

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Found the fix....go here




Make sure you have the TSL 1.2 protocol downloaded and installed in microsoft windows....after that go all the way down and look for the "easyfix" link and install that also to let windows open up the proper pathway to Loot.

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