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Smithing leveling too slow?


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I have noticed after the 1.5 patch I cannot get smithing up at normal speed. I know that 1.5 fixed smithing, apparently, but it actually ruined it. On my character, I tried getting it up from 50 to 80 to get ebony stuff, and i need around a dozen steel daggers to get it up a level. Anyone else have a smithing problem like that? Is there a fix?
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There's honestly no way to balance out smithing. If you do that by reducing how much experience you get, it only forces you to grind smithing to level it up. If you try to balance it by doing the opposite, making level fast, you are unbalancing it in the same way.


I think a good way to balance it is to keep grinding and making it level fast, but to make stuff like iron not yield any experience beyond, say, 40 skill level. That way you're forced to keep looking for better materials, but smithing is pretty balanced, because you cannot grind it with iron, steel, dwarven, and perhaps orcish later on.

Edited by Omeletter
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The problem with Smithing is there is no function to REPAIR your gear (and get experience in Smithing from that), just create and upgrade. The majority of the grinding in Smithing in the game should be from the repairing variety (which doesn't exist).
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This is part of the dumbing down of ES that we've been seeing happen, first with Oblivion, and then even worse with Skyrim, fraquar. I liked having to repair my gear in Oblivion, and was disappointed to see that they took it out. I liked having to hide and collect myself as I healed up during a fight, but Bethesda introduced the idea that the player's character regenerates Health like a troll for Skyrim.


The ES is being redirected to a less intelligent, less experienced, younger, and, frankly, lazier segment of society, I'm afraid. My guess is that any fourth grader will be able to master the next installment of the series without even breaking a sweat.


But, yes, Omeletter, the 1.5 patch ruined Smithing for a lot of people -- especially those of us who had mods installed specifically to make it more difficult to grind levels through Smithing. I was one of those, but they didn't ruin the game for me. I read about the way they broke all the Smithing mods before I fired up my game, and I was able to take Steam offline so it didn't force that patch on me. It's been offline ever since, and my smithing mod, "Complete Crafting Overhaul", still works like a charm.


I know how the lure of Ebony armor and weapons can break the fun of the game, though. I went that route myself in two playthroughs before I figured out that having overpowering gear just saps the challenge out of the game, and to me much of the fun is in overcoming the challenges -- not in one-shotting everything in sight. That's why I don't grind Smithing. That's why I installed "Complete Crafting Overhaul", or at least one of the reasons. It removes the temptation.

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if you want a real challenge in crafting go with enchanting. thats an expensive long road that i only took time to get to 100 (or even any pts for that matter) one time on one character. So far i've found alchemy the slowest though. finding all those damn plants and waiting for them to grow, then making 100 heal pots only for your skill to go up 1 or maybe 1.5 levels takes forever.
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