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Harry/2 sat, on the floor of a chamber, between a Suzanne and Juniper, as he spoke. "We are dealing with a particular aspect of the SecretEnemy. Chaoticos is an ancient, generally well known, aspect of the SecretEnemy that serves the GreatEnemy. Chaoticos is very powerful, intelligent and dangerous. It is his/her/it's largely chaotic nature that makes it hard for others to discover his/her/its agenda at any timespace. I picked up only a few traces of the entity but enough to identify him/her/it since one has dealt with Chaoticos before. I also picked up traces of another entity new to me, that I could not identify, but which is not an aspect of the SecretEnemy. It is not unusual for the SecretEnemy to recruit others but only ones that the SecretEnemy can not cheat will be recruited and at heavy cost."


He spoke some more. "This other one was probably the one to abduct the TunnelSnakes. Chaoticos trapped, and fed off, the five victims but I gained a 'sense' that it has been focusing on leading us astray from finding the TunnelSnakes along with that which has taken them. We need to cease following Chaoticos and to try to focus on tracking down the other and its victims."


Juniper spoke. "Something tells me that this Chaoticos, that you speak of, will try to stop us from doing that."


Harry/2 nodded. "Of course but Chaoticos has curious weaknesses that we can use against it. As we move further on, we need to leave easy to read arrow symbols pointing in the wrong direction. Chaoticos is not the smartest, of the SecretEnemy's aspects, but it easily generates multiple sub-aspects from its first 13 prime-aspects. The sub-aspects will follow the arrows, if they find them, but not all will find them. The problem is that there may be over three times 133 of them."


13 x 13 x 13 + of them!? Over 2,197 of them!?


Harry/2 spoke again. "The good thing is that the sub-aspects are quite weaker than the prime-aspects but the bad thing is that they move-act in swarm13s that each are about as powerful as a prime-aspect."


At that moment a soft shimmering, sparkling and shivering went through everybody-everything.


TechiJoe spoke. "What was that about? Is it to do with another Giftcube activating?"


Harry nodded. "Three Giftcubes in both TechVault101 and HarryLifecube. That is twice Golden Giftcubes/13, twice Rainbow Giftcubes/13 and twice Grey Giftcubes/13. From the Golden Giftcubes new infrastructure is being added to both TechZone101 and to HarryLifecube. There is the appearance of large amounts of advanced processed resources from the Grey Giftcube/13s activating. Then there are more exotic additions from the pair of Rainbow Giftcubes activating. There is a stabilising effect taking place and TechZone101 is starting to transform into what one might call a Lifesphere or, in this case, Lifesphere101. The HarryLifecube is gaining another Lifecube so that it will now be two of them but the new one will take much time to expand-evolve until it is anything like the first one. It will even be some time before it can be populated."


Harry: "The Rainbow Connection is involved and also the Spectrum Spheres of the Celestial Spheres. Except there is much that I do not understand for while I am a living god, I am also a child; this is a learning experience, and a chance to redeem for a bad mistake I made, as my celestial mother tells me; also she says that I did no wrong for I was betrayed, and tricked, by an entity that I should have been able to trust; I can-will not speak further of that one, at least not for now."


Everyone was awed, at least to some extent, by what was happening except for the dog and the robots. Dogmeat lay with her head in the lap of one of the new S13 clones. The heavily upgraded-augmented claptraps were on guard duty being almost bravely outside of the safety of the group.


Samantha spoke. "Clearly we need to focus on what is happening here-now so as to complete our mission to finding the TunnelSnakes."


Harry sighed. "Except that the great changes are partly in response to the opening of unstable phaseholes and may easily impact the mission."

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The sudden attack on RejectSanctuary was not carried out by the Rejectville Sheriff and his forces but by a quite large, well armoured-armed force of Talon Mercenaries being mostly Talonguards with fatigues and basic body-armour along with basic sturdy weapons. Yet there were a few power armoured Talontroopers along with some combat robots.


The attackers struck what seemed to be a weak defensive barrier between Rejectville and RejectSanctuary. They moved quickly along two tunnels dug by convicts, most of them innocent of the charges that they had been convicted of. The TalonMercs were greatly confident as they were spearheaded by Talontroopers and robots, some with special sapper equipment. Except the barrier was a falsehood!


In seconds three Talontroopers lay dead and others dying while the other TalonMercs had retreated taking their wounded with them. The Talons had entered Rejectville supposedly in secret but locals had soon picked them up as poorly disguised intruders. Their accents, their body language and even their smell had been wrong for them to be zonefolk. The real defensive barrier, already very strong, had been quickly upgraded.


UncleLeo stood in armour and holding a 12.7mm calibre minigun that was truly massive with all of its augmentations. He had killed one murderous, black karmic, Talontrooper with a single burst of armour piercing bullets. As peaceful as he was, when he had to do so he was an efficient killer.


He spoke. "BigLilly sleeps with her very big teddybear and very big ballerina doll. Two others were killed by you Venturers."


Jasmine nodded. "Talons are Wastelanders so what would bring them down here and how would they get down here?"


UncleLeo frowned. "There have been others who have gotten here through difficult ways such as my people. We came through the Droppingdeath Caves filled with bizarre mutant threats but more deadly was the caves' instability with pieces of ceiling liable to fall one one or the floor likely to drop out from beneath one. I doubt that any of this was accidental for there are safe ways through the maze and it was the Wanderer who helped bring our large group safely as far as TechZone101 proper."


Harry/5, who had materialised not long before, stood in power armour adjusted to him and even to his powers being a focus of some of those powers. With him had come 24 33 metric cubecontainers full of useful equipment-supplies for RejectSanctuary including armour and weapons.


Harry/5 spoke about the Giftcubes appearing, including the new kinds, and then the activation-vanishing of all of the Giftcube/13s. "The changes took me by surprise! Lifesphere101 has begun to form, to evolve, to grow and one day it will be TechZone101. A whole new Lifecube for HarryLifecube, that is very good but just as it will take a fairly long time for Lifesphere101 to be complete, so it is true for the new Lifecube. Exotic changes have taken place also with multiple new Semlifecubes appearing as linked to the original Lifecube and there appearing more underground rivers, and fertile areas, in TechZone101. As for those 236 dark minded TalonMercs, they came through the Madmazzen being led through them by one known as MissLeather; that information came from a source that I can not disclose. I do not know much about her than her name which is a falsehood made up to be used with mortals. She is not of the SecretEnemy, that is not one of its aspects, deluded followers or twisted minions."


A soft shivering, shimmering, sparkling went through everybody and everything.


Fighting began in Rejectville as a rebellion was launched with assistance entering the settlement proper from RejectSanctuary but also from other directions. Yet there was another surprise to come. Just as the TalonMercs had encountered a nasty surprise, the rebels found that most of the corrupt leadership, and their cronies, were either gone or killed by their own supposedly trustworthy allies. A large amount of valuable resources, of multiple kinds had been stolen away with the vanished ones. The whole lot of them had gone downwards through a series of artinatural (mixture of artificial and natural). Then there was a large amount of deliberate sabotage that had been done to Rejectville's service support network-systems.


The expedition, to the Madmazzen and to the possible source of the blops, was delayed while assistance was given to Rejectville and its people.


As the Venturers made their way through Rejectville, where bodybagged corpses were being quietly heaped up, it was discovered that the majority of TalonMercs had been betrayed. Not only had they been killed by some kind of nerve gas, just after they returned to their temporary base just beneath Rejectville, but all of their best equipment-supplies had been taken. Clearly those who had hired the Talons had decided that they would not pay any owed fees and would make a quick, nasty, resources grab. Only five had lived and now they were in a guarded medical cell after getting medical treatment because of nerve gas damage.


Bodies would be recycled, even the nerve gassed ones, but first was forensics investigations. People generally did what they could to help but the town was in shock. 118 Rejectvillers had been killed along with 231 TalonMercs. Important equipment-supplies had been stolen away and deliberate damage had been done.


Yet there were big gaps in information about just what had happened, who had fled and what they had taken with them; there were also other questions arising with out there being any firm answers.

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In the distance rose the twin towers of the World Trade Centre or at least a bigger, better fortified, copy of them for the originals had been destroyed in the Second American Civil War. President Thumpem's forces had lain siege to the great domecity and President Oblama's forces had been defending it; then a new, third, president had arrived with a massive military force and both had surrendered to her.


The Wander wondered why the great statue of President Monica Lawinki had her on her knees; was it to make her look more humble than the two warring presidents that she had replaced?


The UniVault program-projects was going well in the UniVault in Tasmania, close to its southern coast. The Wanderer now had 1313 aspects active on that world but also followers and minions and one prime aspect was now always at that techvault. As for Tasmania itself, it was dominated by a loose alliance of tribal clans ever fighting savage mutated daredevils.


The EDE (Eurasian Dynastic Empire) was withdrawing from many of its conquered territories that it had failed to fully secure. The EDD has gotten too ambitious for its own good and the FarWanderer had bribed the Tsar with valuable tech, and other, data. The Tsar ordered careful guarded retreat despite the aggressive resistance of a powerful Khan who staid loyal despite his anger and hurt pride.


The TransEnclaven remained mostly hidden as underground TransEnclaves in North Africa, Northern Australia, SouthEastAsia and a few other spots; they also had a subsurface ocean enclave in the Mediterranean Sea.


The UCC (United Civilised Citystates) grew slowly-steadily stronger in South America as it relied heavily on mecha and mecha like robots.


The Skynet, high overhead, was part of the fractured Trinet of Skynet, LASnet and Deepnet. It was growing once more in power and was slowly advancing its technologies. The FarWanderer needed to keep watch on such changes.


The LittleFateMan suddenly stood there almost as if he had always been there. He stood as a pale eurowhite man in a dapper white safari outfit with white hair and a moustache. He held a massive quad barrel shotgun in his arms as if it weighed next to nothing.


He spoke quietly but the FarWanderer easily heard him. "You play a dangerous game."


The FarWanderer nodded. "You are correct but I have managed to find no better alternative. UncleLeo, and BigLilly, are relatively safe in the now transforming TechZone101. Not even HarryX seems to know just how important they are, especially BigLilly. The 13GreatOnes13 have not yet realised just how they ended up accidentally transplanting certain GreatGame core elements into entities such as UncleLeo, BigLilly, the Anderson13 and others; they will, though, and will start seeking to either capture-control them or destroy them; at least most of them will. Rainbow butterflies have appeared in many places in TechZone101."


The LittleFateMan thrust out the shotgun, that was not a mere mortal device, towards the FarWanderer. "Take this! It will assist you. Upon taking it you will know what to do with it. You trusted yourself enough to come here to meet me at my summons. You will absolve yourself and will forgive yourself."


Then the LittleFateMan was gone, almost as if he had never been there.


The FarWanderer took up the massive four barrelled shotgun and smiled a little. Then he raised it high, aiming at the sky, and fired off all four barrels. There was a booming noise but far from a great one. Soon pure, moderately heavy, rain was falling from dark broiling clouds and not the toxic rain that would have fallen had he not used the WonderShotgun. The rain also held elements that would cleanse away high radiation, and dangerous toxins, in earth-water while bolstering the health of flora-fauna.

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The big SFSS Enterprise storage hold had been about half filled with cubecontainers, and other kinds of containers, of spare equipment-supplies being mostly supplies. Now there were 13 metallic colour coded Giftcubes, 13 other bright colour coded Giftcubes and 13 dull grey ones.


Admiral Kirk studied them while wearing her shipsuit as did other crew members. SFSS Spacetroopers were in power armour spacesuits with robots being just like them. There was a whole squad13 of Spacetroopers and another of the robots. Yet all of that was due to Defence Security Protocols for there was no sense of threat about the exotic objects.


Captain Jaynewae, of the SFSS Enterprise, who took turns commanding the vessel or did so while Jane was acting fully as an admiral, was now commanding the bridge: sometimes ViceCaptain Nholes took a turn. Kirk would soon be focusing on being admiral as she worked out more about the Giftcubes such as how all of those, in the three ships, now knew generally what they were. Jaynewae would then take shift turns with the ViceCaptain.


"Giftcubes of the GreatGame, what ever that is!" She frowned. "13 metallic colour coded ones, 13 bright colour coded ones and 13 dull grey colour coded ones. All marked with numbers. All attempts to scan, sensor sweep and probe them have failed but somehow that is no surprise. No further attempts, to find their secrets, will be made."


None questioned her, had any good reason to do so.


Which was when three Giftcube/13s activated-vanished each with a sparkling shimmer.


When they all awoke they were all transformed being enhanced of mind-body-spirit. That was all of the people in all three ships. The vessels were three times bigger than they had been but also greatly enhanced-augmented with new type tech and upgraded older tech.


Despite a good deal of general knowledge having been gained by all crews, and others, there was much to learn and to train with.


Soon they were landing into massive underground hangers, subsurface to Luna, only to learn that the changes had gone through all of the SolFed population and also to some others such as the folk of the LCU (Lunar Collectives Union) and SBU (Solar Belt Union).


The great horizontal blast doors hummed open as across the Lunar Surface great thin trees grew in the world bubble contained atmosphere of Lunar. The bubble had been completed decades before the Doomswar and the 3Doomsdays but the atmospheric adjustments had yet to be finalised. Lowgrav birds, large and relatively fragile, flew high above as elongated, lograv, lopermans ran in the distance in tribal clan gear. They had also been transformed and were now able to act in heavier gravity, even Earth normal, though not easily so.


To her deep annoyance, the admiral was soon defending the three ships from being stripped apart and studied by knowledge hungry scientists, engineers and others. Thankfully the SolFed Government largely supported her because new threats were emerging, in the HomeSystem and not just that of the bizarre Droza.


Instead of being stripped, one of the smaller, though now bigger, systemships would be kept in Lunar and be studied by specialists in a careful way as to not stop it from going to war if it had to be. Or at least that was the plan until the SolFed Lunar Colonies began to transform and, not long after, other facilities including ships. The SolCon, the junkspacers, the SBU and the LCU were also being effected by such changes.


Was it also happening to others?


Why was it happening?


Were the threats going to be so great that all needed to be extra ready?

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"The Talon Mercenaries came from the surface via an unstable teleport-cable. Residues build up was detected in all of them. They would not have been able to return, back to the DCWastelands, unless they had special medical processes done on them to cleanse away the residues or waited at least a year for them to fade from the bodies." UncleLeo studied three dead TalonMercs on metal examination tables inside his own research centre beneath RejectSanctuary. "I have heard of no reports of any discovered, working, cable-teleport facilities in TechZone101, not even unstable ones."


There were in a well equipped-maintained mortuary chamber.


Juniper spoke as she frowned softly at the bodies. "TechVault101 has working cable-teleportation but mostly non living items are sent through it though microscopic life seems to be strong enough to easily survive the process. There is something most odd about those bodies. They are too regular in size-shape. They could be a kind of clone?"


UncleLeo nodded. "Semiclones with enough genetic engineering to standardise them and enhance them only moderately. During the Doomswar powerful factions turned out millions of semiclones as soldiers, workers, specialists and servitors just to make creating standardised gear for them easier and cheaper. They also became stronger, faster, more enduring and harder to damage but they were far from being superhuman. They also were born, from surrogate semiclone mothers, with basic programming-conditions. The US did so as did the Soviets and probably others also. There were also more freer-flexible thinking, non program-conditioned, demiclones and deeply program-conditioned subclones with no real free-flexible thinking at all. Much of the general population became more standardised in nature, especially in the sprawling, domed, mostly underground, prefab Urbs."


Juniper frowned. "Does not sound pleasant."


UncleLeo frowned. "They were far from being so. The Urbs were worse than the middle, or upper class, domed suburbs but they were better than the sprawling undomed slums. So either these semiclones were cloned, more recently, from surrogate semiclone mothers, or were found in surviving statuscapsule. I say this for these are first generation semiclones and not the descendents of such. Interbreeding with nonclones weakens the program-conditioning and makes other noticeable changes. Even interbreeding between semiclones does the same but to a less extent."


Juniper, and UncleLeo, were joined by freckled Chloe who studied the bodies with a sour frown. "Word has come through that Junkville has been attacked by a large swarm of blops including some exotic types. People managed to fight them off with flamers, lasers and electric shockers along with some antiblop gear."


Junkville was another big settlement, by zonefolk standards, that was much closer to the Madmazzen than was Rejectville.


Chloe sighed. "Supertinzi could get some of us, the Venturers, and OldPedro to the edge of Madmazzen but we have to go to some exotic place, across part of it, and back again. Harry can help also. Harry and Supertinzi get on very well because they are sort of cousins of some sort, sort of. Wonderful resources appeared in settlements across the more civilised part of the zone. You were saying those are semiclones."


UncleLeo nodded. "Do you know much about clones?"


Chloe sighed. "I am a kind of clone as are Tabatha, Timmy, the dogs, the cats and the others. Even the robots have some cloned elements inside them. We are clone linked to Supertinzi in some way. We all have surrogate mothers except for the robots, poor things. Apart from that I do not know much about clones?"


UncleLeo sighed right back. "Supertinzi is also a clone?"


Chloe frowned again. "You would have to ask Supertinzi about that? Anyway, going to that other place could answer some questions."


UncleLeo shook his head. "We need to remain here, that is BigLilly and myself."


Chloe smiled. "Supertinzi will have answers for that and there is somebody you need to meet, who maybe has already visited as a kind of maybe avatar."


Juniper, of the JQuintuplets, smiled. "Rainbow butterflies!"


Chloe nodded. "Yes, just maybe only rainbow butterflies that glow."


Which was when a small swarm of rainbow butterflies fluttered into the chamber and resurrected one of the dead bodies, with a rainbow shimmering, while the others were just consumed somehow.


The resurrected semiclone man sat up and smiled. "The Rainbowbaby has salvaged me so that I may serve Supertinzi and her beloved following of the RankScavvies. Others have also been salvaged but most of the TalonMerc semiclones could not be so because of their dark karmic debts. You will meet the Rainbowbaby in that other place."



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The bloodcrystallicha attacked in the form of bizarre spidercha entities, of glistening glowing red crystalic, that spat webnets to entangle enemies and built webwalls with deadly speed. PestExterminators used inferno flamers and extreme voltage bidents, along with more conventional weapons, to destroy the creatures and their creations. They were supported by VaultGuards mostly in body-armour suits but with some being in power armour.


10mm calibre cartridge using guns now came with accelerator barrels hurling steel bullets, not led ones, through the air with increased velocity; the longer the accelerator barrel, the greater the augmented velocity and range.


The fighting was steady and well coordinated. Robots were soon assisting such as MrHandys equipped with flamers and buzzsaws along with vaultrons using lasers.


As for the search-rescue group, they were in the twixtvault.


The fighting continued with there being no casualties but the spiderchas.

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In RejectSanctuary, now upgraded as all of the settlements were becoming, people transformed. The ETriplets became Emmesia of life, Elentae of solar and Elemate of phase. The JQuintuplets became Jolenna, Jashime, Jessier, Junista and Juliasa. The SQuadruplets became Sesemia, Sarshli, Sonjali and Sallian.


New divisions formed as the original ETriplets, SQuidruplets and JQuintuplets appeared fully in HarryLifecube.


In the TwixtVault101 there came to be the SQuadruplets Shirlie, Stariet, Saysaet and Sellina. The JQuintuplets became Josophi, Jemliar, Janelie, Juliand and Jazekin. The ETriplets became Ellenae, Esmerae and Eshlane. The new SClones remained as previously named.


Three new leaders emerged of each 13 being Ashlaen of those in HarryLifecube, Amielae of those in the twixtvault and Armilie in RejectSanctuary.


Catherine was somehow linked to all of them as a kind of mother figure who was with with them even when she was not physically with them for Catherine was now 13 of her, one of whom was always with James, her husband.

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Across the Worldwide Wastelands Wastewaters, the WWWW, aspects of the FarWanderer took versions of the WonderShotgun and fired up in various directions. New resources appeared most often as perfect copies of the types of survival useful items already looted, many being in statuscontainers that were also of value. From HongKong to GrandLondon, Sydney, LosAngeles, Johannesburg and many others, new old kind resources were seeded in that fashion.


More healthy, cleansing, life bringing rains were also seeded.


Rivers, seas, oceans were given fresh health and life.


Yes, there were more troubling entities, even evil ones, that took advantage of the changes but they were overall balanced toward the positive. This was partly because troubling entities, finding survival easier, became better fed and less dangerous.

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In the TwixtVault101 there operated the S2Quadruplets Shirlie, Stariet, Saysaet and Sellina, the J2Quintuplets Josophi, Jemliar, Janelie, Juliand and Jazekin along with the E2Triplets Ellenae, Esmerae and Eshlane. The nine new SClones remained as previously named being Sharli01 to Sharli09. Newly there was the solo leader Amielae who lead with strong guidance, being firm but respectful in her ways.


Take the metallic hardness, and aridity, of the techvault and add filth along with strange growths and semidarkness if not darkness; that is the twixtvault at its best. Clean up operations had begun, hiring twixtfolk in some areas to assist, at good levels of allowances, but only a small area of the twixtvault had yet to be officially mapped-assessed let alone fixed up.


One obstacle was a large minority of vaultfolk who considered it to be a waste of resources despite the strong evidence otherwise. There were being found exotic, useful, resources in the twixtvault and the rimvault while twixt-rimfolk were adding richly to a growing working society-economy. Many were now being taken to live in the techvault proper or were migrating out to the 'zone'. One irony was that most vaultfolk did not even know anything much about the twixtvault-rimvault and yet these were often the most loud of the negative responders.


They were made more aware of this situation because they were joined by three twixtfolk who were newly made citizens. The scouts were rangier, skinnier, than were the others but while the one woman, and two men, might have held normal vaultfolk with some disrespect, they soon picked up that they were with special folk. It was not hard to do so with the flickering speed of the S13 and the elemental glowing powers of the E2Triplets.


Twixtfolk were damned tough, had to be, and yet moved with strong caution before, and after, the group. Even so called Green Zones of the twixtvault, where there had been heavy vaultfolk influence, were fairly dangerous but they were going through an Red Zone (not that RedZone) that was infamous for its cannibals, radroachers as a more recent addition, trogs, very savage bandits, some rogue robots and twisted twixtbeasts along with too many others.


Afriza had already spoken of strange booby-traps of doors that opened to dark chamber where the floor was very below the bottom of the door, utility elevators that plunged to the bottom of their shafts and others. He seemed surprised to learn that these were faults in design and construction rather than intentional death traps. It was same for dangerously dysfunctional robots that had been dumped into the twixtzone because VaultTech did not want to deal with them. VaultTech had clearly decided not to bother dealing with many of its mistakes but all of the TechVaults had been that way; that is corrupt! The number of structural dangers had decreased with what were being called the Giftcube changes by the great majority of people.


Yet there were deliberate death traps also and not just the cruder ones placed by cannibals.


As they walked with a hallway, with water flowing along it at ankle depth, Afriza spoke. "More death-traps have appeared in this area in more recent decades but advanced ones like weapon turrets, robots and laser-cutters."


Amielae responded. "Clearly somebody wants no strangers in the area. Have you heard of any names having the word 'Leather' as part of them?"


The head scout nodded. "A captured cannibal mentioned the name MrLeather being one that he clearly was terrified of. Seems this MrLeather has paid off some cannibals to make the area more dangerous but has also taken others away for something that the cannibal said 'seemed bad' though he did not know what it was. That captive cannibal is alive and being studied by techvault scientist; me, I would have killed the monster."


Amielae: "Thus failing to learn valuable information such as better dealing with twixtvault cannibals."


The scout frowned and then shrugged. "Perhaps there is merit in what you speak of."


They kept moving with care and in having to be careful they were slowed in just how fast they could go. When the swarm of eyebots attacked, zigzagging and shoot laser beams, they came from above, in front, and two sides in a cross junction of big utility tunnels. The S13 took care of them, darting and firing with amazing precision, knocking out the eyebots with EMPguns. As they fell, the eyebots were caught by others and soon the battle was over.


A straight forward plan was formed. The 28 eyebots were fixed, reprogrammed and sent out in seven groups of four to scout and then return with important data. 2way radio communications was oddly difficult in such areas and could too easily be picked up by enemies such as those who had programmed the ambushing eyebots in the first place.

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The group walked into a chamber that was truly massive but also seemingly impossible. All felt an odd tingling as they went through it. There stood rows of slanted capsules, each cradled by an odd machine. Inside each of the twenty-five capsules was a figure including the TunnelSnakes. Except they, and others captured, were transformed in varied ways.


Butch DeLoria, for instance, was a naked young slimly muscular man now with four arms. The upper two were normal but the lower two arms were double jointed and ending in strange claw-blades. Others had four legs instead of two or had strange horns or wings. One had gills. Yet another had multiple orb eyes replacing the human ones.


There were different such changes amongst all of the TunnelSnakes.


MrShadow was suddenly there, almost as if he had always been there. He spoke coldly, as was his nature. "MrLeather was here but these experiments were not run by him. They were carried out by one SageProfessor Zarinza who is a criminally insane supergenius being of the 13Gen13 who are linked to the 1Gen1 organisation as served by the 1313Gen1313 followers-minions. The 13Gen13 serve the GreatEnemy through the SecretEnemy though they are deluded into thinking that they are both more important and independent than they are; this is quite normal with those who serve the GreatEnemy."


MrShadow: "One has been hunting for MrLeather but also for MissLeather, his female counterpart. They are dangerous but they are mercenaries of a kind and not followers of the GreatEnemy whom they despise. MrLeather provided Zarinza with the TunnelSnakes and the others in the capsules. Except those are not the real TunnelSnakes and neither are the others original for they are experimental clones. Which brings me to another point, for he was assisted by a ice minded rogue female Timelord of the name of the Rani. This could complicate everything as the powerful Timeguardians will be drawn to here simply because she is here."


The group studied the clones with mixed reactions.


Josophi, who once was called Jasmine, spoke. "Can they be saved, even changed?"


MrShadow sighed. "They could be sent into HarryLifecube but perhaps that was the intention, that this is a hidden weapon to attack HarryLifecube with."


Harry spoke then. "HarryLifecube will place them in a special quarantine security off cube where they will be analysed. Perhaps they wish to use one's compassion to find a way to invade HarryLifecube but that is impossible."


With a soft sparkling shimmer all of the machines, the capsules, vanished away only to expose a heavily armoured powerdoor. For all of its imposing appearance it opened easily as it was unlocked. It led to a chamber with three medium-large cable-teleport cells that were apparently part of a secret cable-teleport network-system.

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