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Mercenary Work


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I have persuaded and paid walking mercenaries to give me their jobs. They freely give me the jobs and said they will mark it on my map, but my map or quest is never updated :confused:



What am I missing?

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When you get a job from a mercenary, there is no quest marker arrow. The locations where the job is are generated randomly and if you have not discovered the place on the map, it appears as a black icon - and it may be some distance away from where you talk to the mercenary. If you have already discovered the location and it is a white icon, then there is no way to find out where to go to complete the job for the mercenary. Kind of dumb of the game developer, but thats what they did. If you are really set on doing a job for a mercenary, follow them until they reach the location they are going as they just stand outside for a while, and then go talk to them. It can take a while for them to get where they are going as well. I met a mercenary by Riften and followed her all the way to Solitude.

More here on world interactions - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:World_Interactions

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Yeah, I persuaded a merc to give me her job. No clue where it is, but I guess I might stumble upon it someday. She said I better not screw it up, or she'll come looking for me... Good, then I can kill her sorry butt for basically telling me "It's in Skyrim somewhere...go find it". :mad:
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