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Question About Posting Surveys?


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Hey Nexus, it's been a while. So I've created a Google Forms Survey that I need to get a minimum of 100 responses for by Tuesday for a College Data Science Course that I am in right now... And I was wondering if it is okay to post links to surveys in the "Off Topic" section of Nexus? I couldn't find anything in the rules about it so I thought I'd post here to check with someone. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, and I totally understand if it's not cool to post surveys here. Just thought I'd check :)


- Airtight

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Awesome thanks, I'll go ahead and post it there! And yeah it's for a Data Science Study run by my University. We're trying to create a metric that will help people predict whether or not purchasing a new living accommodation will make them happier and need data points to base the original model off of.

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