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Scripting help using Disable/Enable on Statci objects


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Sorry it took me so long...I started a new script, wrote it down by hand, double-checked for errors, attached the PROPERTY references and saved.


Ran in game and it worked...both Enabling and Disabling.


The PROBLEM must have been the old script was corrupted (explains the save issue).


Thanks again, Please feel free to post how to do the Quest method if you have time. I hope it isn't too different from OB.

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I won't go deep in quest designing since i don't know how you will make the new house appear in the quest.


When you'll have your quest set up with all the stages, go to the Aliases Tab.


Define 2 new aliases.


The type is "force specific reference", and points to the 2 houses references. The names are BurningHouse and NewHouse


Check "allow disabled" for both the aliases.


Now go to Quest Stages Tab, and select the stage you want to be the trigger for the enabling/disabling.


Right click on the Quest Item box and select new, this will enable the fragments window.


Now, in the fragment, write this 2 lines





With this, every time the quest reaches this stage, the script will do the work ;)

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It shouldn't take me more than a week to finish.


If I need any more help can I Message you???


When Im done, look up this mod...




And tell me what you think.


Thanks again.

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