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Settler Combat Styles? Looking to make less aggro settlers, looking for input on how combat styles


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I opened up the GECK and took a look. Settlers are just set to the "Default" combat style with no trimmings. Is there anything I can read or look at about how combat styles work in Fallout 4?

My goal would be to make the Settlers very defensive and wary in combat - Stay in cover most of the time, always evade grenades, that sort of thing. As it is whenever something hostile enters the area the entire settlement seems to run straight towards it weapons blazing. That's fine for guards by I think it'd be more believable if John the Barber and Ted the shop clerk took cover and stayed there.

So that's the goal. Better combat behaviors for settlers where they won't be as aggressive and will hunker down instead of running towards enemies. Does anyone have any thoughts?

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First thing I thought of was the Radstags. In the CK do they have a specific combat style or something?

I remember in Oblivion the Deer there had high aggression, low confidence. The confidence was probably the main thing. I don't remember a deer ever being aggressive, just running away at every opportunity.

I haven't been in the CK in a long time so I don't remember if there are setings for aggression and confidence and even if they are used.

Do combat styles have an aggro radius? If not, can one be set? That should prevent them running to the other side of the map whenever an enemy is nearby.


Normally if I want to change something I look for something similar then use that as a guide.

So, perhaps check out how radstags are set up? :)

Edited by star-mystyk
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I remember that. I think back in the day with the deer the high aggression would make them enter combat mode when they saw you, then the low confidence would make them run away until they decided they weren't in combat anymore.

And yeah, they seem to do the same thing with radstags, setting them to have high aggression but low confidence. And god does it lead to some weird behavior, some nights i can't sleep because Piper insists on grabbing a minigun and chasing down bambi.

I wonder if settlers assigned to defense use a different combat AI than other settlers. That'd be really handy.

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All settlers use the same combat style. All the difference is in sandbox packages. These packages define how they act at work. They use AI data from WorkshopParent->WorkshopActorApply alias. You can check it to find what combat style they use.

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  • 7 months later...

My goal would be to make the Settlers very defensive and wary in combat - Stay in cover most of the time, always evade grenades, that sort of thing. As it is whenever something hostile enters the area the entire settlement seems to run straight towards it weapons blazing. That's fine for guards by I think it'd be more believable if John the Barber and Ted the shop clerk took cover and stayed there.


So that's the goal. Better combat behaviors for settlers where they won't be as aggressive and will hunker down instead of running towards enemies. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Yes one of the things that drives me crazy about Fallout 4 is that you carefully build a walled settlement with overlapping turret fields of fire & various traps... and as soon as it gets attacked, the settlers rush out to attack the raiders or super mutants with their pop guns, making all that work a complete waste of time. Doh! :down:

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