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BUG - Things in the sky


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I never would have thought to look at Paper World Map https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10836?tab=description


That's the culprit.



I have no idea what might be causing this, but it seems persistent across the board regardless of my mod selections.


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That's strange. Have you "no-clipped" to fly up there and look closely at them? If they are objects with distinct addresses, you should be able to enter your console and click on them to identify them. Someone here could probably help you with that once you've done so.

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I used "TCL" and got way up above the world, but it was hard for me to tell if I had to go a whole lot farther than I did, if I was actually getting closer, or if they were some sort of rendering that appears in a constant distance from the camera. Selecting to get a reference ID didn't return anything.

The more I've looked at these things though, the more they look like distant LODs, of which I have no technical knowledge about. It kind of looks like a mountain range peak in shape doesn't it?

I also haven't noticed them when in wet weather, or at night, but a few times I've caught them in snowy weather.

Edit: Did see them at night.




(not the map menu :laugh: )



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In that case, try disabling "Skyland". Don't un-install it, just disable it through your mod manager. (I presume you're using one.) See if the issue goes away. If so, try moving Skyland around in your load order to see if you can get rid of the problem without having to do without the mod.


If Skyland isn't it, I'm out of ideas. Sorry.

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Well, definitely not Skyland. I did a complete reinstall and didn't use that MOD. Its a new load order now, they still showing up.

Umm.. could it maybe be from Bethini settings? I set the View Distance for Object Fade, Actor Fade, and Item Fade to max (30.0) after I was a fair start into things. It doesn't seem like it would be the cause, and if anything were to be effected by the Bethini settings I'd think it would be Distant Object Detail, but I never touch those.


These are my current active Environmental Mods:

Climates of Tamriel

Real Rain

True Storms

Ethereal Cosmos

Ethereal Cosmos - Stars for Climates of Tamriel

TSCoT Compatibility patch

Alternative Sound for Climates of Tamriel

Realistic Lighting Overhaul (interiors only)

Blowing in the Wind

Skyrim is Windy

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.. do you have a high rez video card?


Reason I asked: When I updated my video card - High End - I got this ' flaw ' and a few others. When I turned OFF, ENB's - Lighting Mods and such ... this went away.

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  On 3/14/2018 at 11:53 PM, lizardnexus said:

GeForce GT 640 (honestly don't know where that falls on the quality spectrum).


Unless you already tried this, try turning OFF the ENB and Lighting Mods. Then go into game, SAVE with them all OFF and then EXIT the game. Reload and see?

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  On 3/17/2018 at 10:56 PM, lizardnexus said:

The things were still there after deactivating Climates of Tamriel, Real Rain, True Storms, and Realistic Lighting Overhaul (saved and reloaded).


So strange a thing..


Does this mean you started a clean game?


I had to start the game over because some of the saves did " not let go " .....

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