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Wheres triptherift?


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Hey all,
Has anyone noticed trips stuff is gone other than the caretaker mods?
Was wondering if anyone knows if she pulled stuff off of nexus and tumblr for a reason?
Not looking for gossip....she has been here for along time and I noticed her posts are gone from Nexus and her
tumblr is now empty?.....

And sorry if this is something that shouldn't be on Forums....didn't know where else to ask?

Edited by kenmorlock
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That's sad news. I like Trip, she was always quick to help when I found some buggy bits with early releases of TKAA. I've been away from the Skyrim community for a few weeks (playing TW3) so I never saw the "jackass" post in question, but I'm sorry if someone being a jerkwaffle was what drove her away.

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She left due to personal reasons I believe. Keyboard warrior jackass got banned(that's all I know, don't know the specifics). It's sad that she left, but I wish her best of luck and hope she's well. :laugh: :thumbsup: We'll have to enjoy what she has given us up until now. :yes:

Edited by Niborino9409
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She left due to personal reasons I believe. Keyboard warrior jackass got banned(that's all I know, don't know the specifics). It's sad that she left, but I wish her best of luck and hope she's well. :laugh: :thumbsup: We'll have to enjoy what she has given us up until now. :yes:


As far as I know she left because of her health.

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Yeah,I know about her health,that was what had me post....Was concerned and didn't see anybody noticing the change here or her tumblr. (and no Im not a Nexus mod author stocker) LOL
When you've been here awhile you get to like the people that have gone out of their way to make your gaming fun. Trip is one of those people....
Im very saddened by what she has to deal with, but to have to deal with a jerk on top of that is far to much.
Thank you all for the reply....

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  • 2 months later...

Never heard of hear but I googled Sassy Teen Giants. There are versions in other languages on nexus and at japanese sites. I think they just used the automated translation tool on nexus to convert the mod. You could just use that to convert the mod back to English.

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