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Skyrim marriage problem: My wife has lost


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I have a problem that happened with the wedding: I'm married to Camilla Valendrius (can not remember if that's the name, is the sister of the Riverwood innkeeper who asked me to retrieve the golden claw). Then I bought a house in Witherun Camilla and I can not find it at my house it to the store of Riverwood. It 'disappeared into thin air after the wedding. XD But my home is Lydia (the subspecies of the warrior Jarl Balgruuf been entrusted to me that after killing the first dragon that threatened whiterun as He has also given the title of thane).

What can I do to find my dear, sweet love? Or maybe to get married again and divorziarci XD (maybe a solution that also includes tricks.) Just solve.

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2 ways I can think of.

1. Bring her to you, by going into console (typing ` key, to the left of the 1 key). Type:

prid 00013488

moveto player


(might just be able to type 00013488.moveto player as well, I haven't tried it that way)


2. Go to her. I prefer this, because when I lose someone, I'm curious where they went. To go to her, go into console, type:

player.moveto 00013488

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My real wife takes great delight in my trials and tribulations with my virtual wife. Now if she knew about my virtual "girlfriends" I might have some real world hardware issues.....

Edited by Colinpark
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