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picture banned?


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Can we even say "p---s" on this forum without getting banned? I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that you don't want to post it in a non-adult forum because it happens to show a "p---s". At least I'm pretty sure I see one.


So, yeah. This is "adult" material. Forewarned is forearmed. Run it by a mod, first, if you really feel like you need to post it. I think it's OK if it's flagged as "adult", but I don't look at that stuff on Nexus so I'm not even sure how you would go about doing that. I know that there was a venue for adult images on the Oblivion Nexus site. I assume there's one for Skyrim, as well.

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this pic is just so awesome.. but i just realized that ther may be too much to see, when i was on the upload section:)

i will never make a pic like this again:)


but thank to all 4 your replies:)!

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Or you could edit it a little with Gimp or Photoshop or something and darken the junk area as if it's in shadow. That way nobody would be able to see it.
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i would if i could:)

im to stupid to use photoshop:)


i try it several times, but allways get enrage because i cant even make a second layer XD


but problem is solved. i uploaded the pic, but mark it as an adult content. the image is still there:)

thanks all


im just to shy °,..,°

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I always find it surprising how some people will find nudity, even implied nudity, to be more offensive than graphic violence. Just one of those things about society I'll never understand.


Anyway, how did you make that pic? Was it done in-game with mods, or did you use a separate program?

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