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Trouble with mods


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Hello there, not sure, where to ask, so I'll try it here. I'm getting CTDs when not in a city or a town, probably by encountering some wildlife (the most probable cause, yet I'm not 100% sure of it). Would someone be able to tell, what's the cause, if I post my mod sellection with the load order? Some stuff got fixed, when I changed the order, but since that, I've added some other mods and the issue is back. LOOT doesn't seem to help much, so I would probably have to set the order manually, which seems quite above my skills right now.


My LO is:

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp=1
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1
SexLab Attraction.esm=1
Cutting Room Floor.esp=1
Skyrim Sizes.esp=1
Daedric Stealth Suit.esp=1
Seraphim - Ashara POTW.esp=1
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp=1
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp=1
Better descriptions SSE.esp=1
SOS - Shop.esp=1
Dwemer Storage Cube - Fully Stocked.esp=1
Elizabeth's Tower - Azura Shrine.esp=1
Dragon Stalking Fix.esp=1
RLO - Effects.esp=1
RLO - Exteriors.esp=1
RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp=1
RLO - Interiors.esp=1
RLO - CRF Patch.esp=1
Better Females - Eyebrows.esp=1


Yes, there's a lot of sex mods, I'm naaaaawty, lol. Also some cheat items, because why not. But I'm willing to sacrifice some of those, if it helps to run the game (well, I'm trying to avoid sacrificing the sex mods, if I wanted to play completely without those, I wouldn't install them in the first place, the game runs fine without them, but I want to try them out). And if anyone ever wonders, why I'm making such mistakes in the load order (which I'm probably doing, I'm pretty much aware of it), it's because LOOT and because I'm a noob, so feel free to wonder as you like, but please, try to help me as well. I'll appreciate that.

Edited by SkyForgeLevi
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Well, in my load order done by Loot is Skyui.esp lower than Cutting room floor.esp.

Check if every plugin is 44 form and not the 43 form from Skyrim LE.


This might come as a noob question (probably because it is), but how do I check the forms of those plugins?

And also in Wrye Bash it shows those two the way you describe (SkyUI after CRF, LOOT seems to mess things again, strange).

Edited by SkyForgeLevi
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If you're using Wrye Bash, when you start it up, it will give you a warning dialog listing any plugins where it "detected old version plugin." Those are Form 43.


Otherwise, use SSEEdit and open up a plugin. In the File Header section of the plugin it will tell you the form version.

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If you're using Wrye Bash, when you start it up, it will give you a warning dialog listing any plugins where it "detected old version plugin." Those are Form 43.


Otherwise, use SSEEdit and open up a plugin. In the File Header section of the plugin it will tell you the form version.


Let's pretend, that I'm a total noob here (which I am anyway), so how do I convert the incompatible form into one, that is compatible? Wrye Bash gave out those plugins, also CK, but I am not familiar with either of those. I can't use CK even for a simple "cleaning" (well simple for others, not for me), which LOOT reminds me about everytime.

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To convert the form from 43 to 44 you only need to load the plugin in CK and save. That is all, no need to change anything by yourself.

"Cleaning" mostly means to remove ITMs from plugins and undo delete flags. There is a sticky about cleaning the masters here, this should give you an idea of how to do this (in SSEEdit, not the CK). But be aware that not all mods need cleaning. Some authors strictly recommend to not do this.

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Very well, I've managed to clean up the 4 master plugins with SSEdit following the guide here (in the Nexus Forum), LOOT is finally happy, and so am I. Now I would like an indept guide to the install order of my mod sellection (I've reduced it for now, no SL mods there, crafting is bugged with those). I know, there was such guide, but the guy had lots of stuff there, that I don't even consider to touch, like ENBs, reshades, texture replacers for whole cities and stuff. I don't want over 200 mods, that completely change my game, lol. I'm not even sure, if my comp would manage such a load. Also I don't fancy ENBs at all, so that's a no no for me. I'm pretty happy with the looks of my game (except for the characters, but that's where Caliente's CBBE comes into play) and the effects it has, I don't need to be blinded by the Sun every now and then, I don't need that ultraclean water to see, what's under it's surface, there's something called swimming, it's a good excercise for some people, so if I would be curious about the underwater ground stuff, I could do just that, lol. No need for a fancy ENB.


So my mod sellection (in order as NMM reads it):


XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended


The Kids Are Alright SE

The Choice Is Yours


Skyrim Sizes

Skyrim Recycling

Sit Animation

Serenity Ashara Princess of the Woods for Seraphim - Basic Edition

SAPoWfS - Light Armor Patch

Royal Vampire Armor - Simple Black Retexture

Remove Map Camera Limits

Ragged Flagon Alternate Entrance - Exit

Pumpkins Bacon and Sweets SSE

Noble Dress

No BS AI Projectile Dodge

Leveler's Tower 4.4

Less Aggressive Animals

Lady Miraak

Krif Nau Golt Dovah - Extended Dragonrend

Impress the Companions - Tougher Giant Edition

HUD Redux SSE - Minimalistic HUD

"various FNIS parts, if needed"

Female Facial Animation (if not conflicting with anything)

Faster Shadowmere

Enhanced Waterfall Sound

Elizabeth's Tower - Azura Shrine SSE

Dwemer Storage Cube

Dragon Stalking Fix

Daedric Stealth Suit

Cutting Room Floor

CBP Physics

Some of CBBEs (one is Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition, another is Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer, I'm aware of installing only one, not both)

Breezehome TNF

Better Start Timing for Dawnguard and Dragonborn

Better MessageBox Controls

Better Dialogue Controls

Better Descriptions

Ashara SSE Paragon Jewelry

Apachii SkyHair SSE

Alternate Start - Live Another Life (optional, maybe using for testing purposes)

Aetherial Crown Replacer

A Matter of Time


Yea, it's about 40 or so, not as much as 200, so I don't need to worry that much about my comp, lol.

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Thank you! This is exactly, what I've been looking for. It lists the mods globally, but also lists each single mod in it's cathegory. Now I can make sure to install mods properly and enjoy the game the way I want (well hopefully, because knowing myself, there is always a chance to mess things up badly).


EDIT: even by following that guide, I've messed up (yes, you've been warned lol), I can't pass through the intro mission, once Alduin shows up and unleashes his Shout, the game CTDs. The last thing I hear from general Tullius is about getting the battlemages out of there and then it's the "end of the line" for me. Any idea, what in Oblivion could do such a thing?

On a sidenote, once I create my character, I'm forced into 3rd person view. Probably a FNIS thing, or one of it's component (FNIS PCEA2, or FNIS Sexy Move, who knows). It's not that big issue though, with less mods, I was able to pass through the whole intro mission even in this mode, it looks strange, but still playable. Must be some other mods that cause problem here.

Edited by SkyForgeLevi
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I don't believe it is a fnis thing. But it is obvious a bug. In a previous post you say you have Wrye Bash. Are all the checkboxes green? If some are orange then the order in the plugin is't right. You can easy manage that with Sseedit by sorting the plugin, rightclick on it and choose "sort masters".

A red checkbox off course is very not good, then you are missing content.

And yes, alternate start is a very good mod to start with. No problems with the opening scene.

Good luck

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