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[WIP] True Lichdom - Nexus Thread # 1


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It's still happening, if you go on his other threads you'll see he explains that Real Life is getting in the way at the moment and a couple guys quit. However he isn't giving up on the mod until it's complete, even if it takes a few years. No worries, just lots of waiting :P


That's a relief. So far, this mod seems like the coolest quest (let alone unique) based mod concept out there at the moment! I'm praying for the day that it's completed so that I can try it out. Might need to make a completely different character for it though. My current character has a quite a bit invested into vampirism. True Lichdom will probable go fairly well with the Necromancy mod that I am using right now though, it's called "Psikoticsnecromancy mod." Adds entire branches of perks and spells to the Conjuring school soely for necromancy.

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Instead of a skeleton for the lich form, why not the Dragon Priest model, far more intimidating looking.


Who says it has to look like either?


I have to think that making a lich model would be even easier now that Dawnguard has come out on PC. Maybe he could find a way to adapt the vampire lord movement animations with the model of a Dragon priest and go from there. Wouldn't know how it all works though, just got into moding myself.... Anyway I look forward to this mods completion ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of a skeleton for the lich form, why not the Dragon Priest model, far more intimidating looking.


Who says it has to look like either?


I have to think that making a lich model would be even easier now that Dawnguard has come out on PC. Maybe he could find a way to adapt the vampire lord movement animations with the model of a Dragon priest and go from there. Wouldn't know how it all works though, just got into moding myself.... Anyway I look forward to this mods completion ;)


yea dragon priest with vampire lord anims would be great.

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Disguising Your True Form

-In order to get around the fact that everyone wants you dead, you will be given an ability that will "disguise" your true form. This ability will work as a toggle, and will toggle your appearance between your true form and your disguised form. While active however, it will drain your Magicka at a constant rate. (This continues even while conversing with other NPC's.) The amount of time that you can actually spend in town is limited by how long your Magicka reserves last you.

A magicka drain effect is really hard to balance, as everyone designs their character different. In addition, some quests requires you to wait for specific events before it progresses (thalmor party for example). If your magicka runs out during this event, it would most likely break the quest. In my opinion, stunted magicka and a duration on the Disguise-spell would be better, especially if combined with an automatic dispell when certain conditions are met (such as entering combat).


The player is made essential the moment he is transformed into a Phylactery Bound Lich. I then run code when he enters the bleedout event. In the early stages of the mod, I had originally tried to manipulate the players "real" death, but that proved to be really buggy and near impossible to do. I could bring him back to life and restore his UI, but I just couldn't properly restore the camera. No matter what I tried it just wouldn't work. For this reason I decided to make him essential instead. It's much more reliable, but it does lack the "definitive death" impression that a ragdolling corpse would have.

Did you try to use the PushActorAway()-function? It forces 3rd person and you don't have control over you character. A carefully placed fade-out effect could do wonders. Just a theory though.

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