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[WIP] True Lichdom - Nexus Thread # 1


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OH! I can't wait! This mod sounds beautiful!


Will there be any visible differences in the different liches?


Yes, it is planned to have the Lich's appearance differ for each type. The Traditional Lich will have a standard Skeletal Lich model, and the Vampiric Lich will use the same general model, but with a slightly different appearance. The Vampiric Lich is actually undergoing some pretty big changes that I haven't discussed here yet. Once I get everything laid out, I plan to update the main post with the changes, and I will reveal the model description then.


As far as The Phylactery Bound Lich is concerned, to be honest, the situation is a little unclear. I'd prefer for him to have an appearance similar to the last host he possessed, but perhaps having him look a little pale or decayed. However, accomplishing this would be somewhat difficult. I haven't fully discussed it with the modeler yet, so I'm not too sure what the final product will be. I'm also relying on SKSE to release in order for me to perfect the host swapping process, so I really don't know how things will work out for him yet.

Edited by delfofthebla
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I LOVE this mod and the creative ideas behind it and having been watching and waiting for something like this since skyrim came out,

for some good inspirational ideas on liches, the forgotten realms liches are very similiar to the ones listed here, their phylacteries (pardon spelling) look very similiar to tortsen and raerek's skull keys in otar the mads (dragon priest, lich) nordic ruin in skyrim but are translucent and bluish grey, I saw the 0% progress on the phylactery model and thought it qould be good idea for a re- texture model. I personally think the skeleton model is farely good, but could use some hair, maybe skeleton head with hair, and hands\arms of draugr. when I first looked at this I immediately thought the dragon priests would be a perfect starting model, but I dont know how hard this would be to do, also I thought I would add this>> (strait out of elder scrolls lore)>>Liches are necromancers which have embraced the power of Lichdom, placing their soul in an object called a 'Phylactery', which is usually a Colossal Black Soul Gem. They are always selfish and power-hungry, destroying all in their searches for souls to repair the Phylactery. They are extremely intelligent and are adept spellcasters; along with their random effect staffs, they carry tremendous power and arcane magic. Nether Liches were normal liches, but, for a certain time were weakened by a destruction of one of their Phylacteries. Ancient Liches created more then one phylactery, becoming much more powerful. A Lich is immortal and powerful, always resurrecting if their Phylactery is not crushed. They always have control of at least a small undead army and a tomb. See also: Ancient Lich, Nether Lich, I thought this was abseloutly a PERFECT description of a lich. its from UESP


anyways, good luck with the great mod!!

Edited by sweetsnowboarding
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i have a suggestion... for the lich models why not make a skeleton with a heavy kind of armor fitting in with the undead theme (armor like dragon-plate or something like that) and use a black robe for the bottom part with chains or runes on the robe

i think it would look pretty cool


and again thanks for making this mod man i'll be able to play a necromancer when this comes out ...can't be a necromancer without being a lich



EDIT: a black hood would be pretty cool too

Edited by m920cain
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As far as The Phylactery Bound Lich is concerned, to be honest, the situation is a little unclear. I'd prefer for him to have an appearance similar to the last host he possessed, but perhaps having him look a little pale or decayed. However, accomplishing this would be somewhat difficult.


Not difficult at all, just apply the right shader (darkening/desaturation). :)

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Excellent Idea:


I have another type of Lich to add if you are interested


The Skeletal Lich


The Skeletal Lich is the stuff of nightmares. It subsists in a skeletal host and has massive regenerating abilities. Once the skeleton is destroyed though the Lich has a time duration of 1 second per stamina point to find a new skeleton to inhabit or suffer true death. While in the ethereal form the Lich has the ability to animate a corpses skeleton and the flesh dissolves regenerating the Lich's stamina back to full. It can interact with the environment, but doing so uses stamina



Complete Feature, Strength, and Weakness List:

Complete Immunity to Disease, Poison, and Paralysis.

Passive Health Regeneration 5 per second

75% Increased Resistance to Frost

50% Increased Resistance to Magic.

25% Increased Resistance to Shock.

Vulnerability to Fire. (-75% Resistance)

Magicka Fortified by 300.

Stamina Fortified by 500

Stamina Regeneration 1 per 10 seconds


Inhabit Skeleton (If the skeleton is still in a corpse the flesh dissolves and instantly regenerates the Lich's Stamina

In ethereal form the interaction with any object uses 10 stamina per second

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I LOVE this mod and the creative ideas behind it and having been watching and waiting for something like this since skyrim came out,

for some good inspirational ideas on liches, the forgotten realms liches are very similiar to the ones listed here, their phylacteries (pardon spelling) look very similiar to tortsen and raerek's skull keys in otar the mads (dragon priest, lich) nordic ruin in skyrim but are translucent and bluish grey, I saw the 0% progress on the phylactery model and thought it qould be good idea for a re- texture model. I personally think the skeleton model is farely good, but could use some hair, maybe skeleton head with hair, and hands\arms of draugr. when I first looked at this I immediately thought the dragon priests would be a perfect starting model, but I dont know how hard this would be to do, also I thought I would add this>> (strait out of elder scrolls lore)>>Liches are necromancers which have embraced the power of Lichdom, placing their soul in an object called a 'Phylactery', which is usually a Colossal Black Soul Gem. They are always selfish and power-hungry, destroying all in their searches for souls to repair the Phylactery. They are extremely intelligent and are adept spellcasters; along with their random effect staffs, they carry tremendous power and arcane magic. Nether Liches were normal liches, but, for a certain time were weakened by a destruction of one of their Phylacteries. Ancient Liches created more then one phylactery, becoming much more powerful. A Lich is immortal and powerful, always resurrecting if their Phylactery is not crushed. They always have control of at least a small undead army and a tomb. See also: Ancient Lich, Nether Lich, I thought this was abseloutly a PERFECT description of a lich. its from UESP


anyways, good luck with the great mod!!

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into the forgotten realms Phylacteries.


i have a suggestion... for the lich models why not make a skeleton with a heavy kind of armor fitting in with the undead theme (armor like dragon-plate or something like that) and use a black robe for the bottom part with chains or runes on the robe

i think it would look pretty cool


and again thanks for making this mod man i'll be able to play a necromancer when this comes out ...can't be a necromancer without being a lich



EDIT: a black hood would be pretty cool too

For now, it has been decided to have the Lich model just be a basic skeleton model. The modeler working on the Lich model does not have much time available to him, so creating a whole new Lich model with his own special set of armor, would be far too time consuming. (He also has to create several other models for the mod, so we're kind of stretched thin here.) It's possible we will end up making something along these lines after the first version of the mod is rolled out, but for now, the model is going to be pretty basic.


Not difficult at all, just apply the right shader (darkening/desaturation). :)

Unfortunately, the issue is not getting their skin pale and decayed looking (as that could be done with a simple retexture, as you describe). Rather, the issue is getting them to look like their "target host" in the first place. I do believe it is possible to accomplish this, but I have not yet found a way. If I cannot find a way to do it, I will have to rely on SKSE in order to make it work.


Excellent Idea:


I have another type of Lich to add if you are interested


The Skeletal Lich


The Skeletal Lich is the stuff of nightmares. It subsists in a skeletal host and has massive regenerating abilities. Once the skeleton is destroyed though the Lich has a time duration of 1 second per stamina point to find a new skeleton to inhabit or suffer true death. While in the ethereal form the Lich has the ability to animate a corpses skeleton and the flesh dissolves regenerating the Lich's stamina back to full. It can interact with the environment, but doing so uses stamina



Complete Feature, Strength, and Weakness List:

Complete Immunity to Disease, Poison, and Paralysis.

Passive Health Regeneration 5 per second

75% Increased Resistance to Frost

50% Increased Resistance to Magic.

25% Increased Resistance to Shock.

Vulnerability to Fire. (-75% Resistance)

Magicka Fortified by 300.

Stamina Fortified by 500

Stamina Regeneration 1 per 10 seconds


Inhabit Skeleton (If the skeleton is still in a corpse the flesh dissolves and instantly regenerates the Lich's Stamina

In ethereal form the interaction with any object uses 10 stamina per second

That is a pretty good idea, and it would certainly be fun to play as. However, the mod is now at a stage where adding any more Liches would require a little "too" much work to do. It's possible that I could add another, similar to the one you describe, after the mod has been released, but for now, it is only planned to have the three in the main post. (And as I've said before, I've been sprucing up #1 and #3 lately, so they will definitely be more interesting upon release, compared to how they are now.)

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I'd imagine that the main problem with the Dragonborn becoming a Lich would be that nothing known can contain a Dragon Soul except the Amulet of Kings, which used to contain the souls of all the Emperors before Martin broke it. Maybe a quest where you have to find ancient elven texts that explain how the Ayleids originally created the Amulet of Kings, so you can make a phylactery with similar properties.



Anyway, for lore scraping:

http://www.imperial-library.info/content/mannimarco-king-worms (Suggests that the ritual to become a lich involves alchemy)

http://www.imperial-library.info/content/arkay-enemy (The plans of Mannimarco to destroy Arkay worship and unite all Vampires, Necromancers and Liches into one united organisation)

http://www.imperial-library.info/content/amongst-draugr (Explains how the Dragon Priests sustain themselves on Draugr lifeforce, probably Vampiric Liches as you call them)

http://www.imperial-library.info/content/necromancers-moon (Explains the divine influence of the God of Worms through the Necromancer's Moon and production of Black Soul Gems)

http://www.imperial-library.info/content/preparation-corpse (Explains legality of Necromancy and teaches creation of zombies, skeletons and mummies)

Edited by LordAvernus
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I'm sure the OP has thought of that, but, my way of making the phylactery would be to create it out of the following recipe:




13 Dragon Bones - Only a dragon can hold the soul of a dragon

13 pints of Dovahkiin Blood - This is to link the Dovahkiin to the ritual

13 Black Star's filled with Daedric souls - These souls will power the ritual

13 Units of Vampire Dust - This is needed for the power of eternal life that still resides in the ash

13 Units of pure alcohol - This should be sufficient quantity to kill the Dovahkiin

07 Magically imbued candle - Imbued with the power of negative energy

01 Mold of any design - Should be no bigger than the Dovahkiin Heart

01 Coffin - This is the alter in which to perform the ritual

13 Virgins - These are to be sacrificed on the coffin




1) Grind up the dragon bones and mix with the Vampire Dust then leave under the light of a single magically imbued candle for 13 hours

2) Place the Black Stars inside the coffin at all the usual Chakra points so they are in contact with the Dovahkiin when they lay down

3) After the 13 hours is up blow out the candle and melt the remainder into the Dovahkiin blood

4) Mix the wax/blood and the powdered bone/vampire dust together. This is called the Mixture

5) Pour into a mold of any design and let it set until it is solid keeping the rest for the final part of the ritual. Do not let the rest set

6) place the remaining 6 candles at the points of the pentagram with the extra one at the top Black Star


When all is set lay the Dovahkiin in the coffin and feed the rest of the Mixture to him/her. Then feed the alcohol to him/her, light the candles, and close the lid, and perform the ritual


The Ritual:


The ritual is 13 hours of chanting the Dovahkiin's name, praying to the gods of death and un-life, dancing, and all manner of necromantic spells cast on the coffin. At the turn of each hour a virgin must be sacrificed on the coffin and the blood allowed to soak into the Phylactery.


At the culmination of the ritual, if it was unsuccessful then all involved will perish. But should the ritual be a success then the Dovahkiin will rise out of the coffin, his flesh all but gone (consumed by the power of the ritual) and a Phylactery Lich will be born. The Necromancer conducting the ritual will be bound to the Lich in eternal servitude, granting him/her eternal life (as long as the Lich lives) and all other followers will be bound to the Necromancer in the same way.


Hope you like this idea. you could put it in as a little back story, or make some form of FMV if you have the skills, or know someone who does, or use parts of it for your own version.


Chakra Chart:

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