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save game size increasing at extreme rate


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Ive seen this problem on the forums in other posts but no one seems to have a solution to this:


My save games start at about 3000kb from a new game, no mods running


My main character has only been playing for 29hours and the save is now 32000kb making it almost impossible to save a game, it takes 45 seconds to save.


This problem was NOT there with old versions of the game, I have old saves at 200hours gameplay that are only 12000kb. so why almost triple that at only 29 hours gameplay


What is going on? it seems to have appeared in one the patches, ive been away from the game for a while and with the patches up to 1.5 it now does this.


The game is now unplayabe, more or less.


Ive reinstalled to a clean location with no mods and it still does this, I played vanilla with no mods and the game save had gone from 3000kbs on a new start to 10000 in only a few hours, which is the same size as my very old 1.3 patch character at only 10000kb size file at 200 hours gameplay


Ive tried the unnoficial patch but that doesnt help in any way, is this a patch that caused this? And what can I do?

Edited by thelonewarrior
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Something may be bloating the game, utilities like Wrye bash might help identifying the issue.


Edit: the causes, I mean.

Edited by nosisab
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This started with patch 1.5, all my save files are 13kb, this is with 200 + hours with patch 1.4.21. At the moment I don't think there's any fix for the save bloat. I do remember Wrye Bash having a remove bloat feature for Oblivion, but idk if they have this for Skyrim yet.
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I wish my files were 13mb at 200hours, mine is 32mb at 29 hours with mods. My new save with no mods from a new game is at 26mb at 30 hours so the mods dont seem to be contributing much towards it.



EDIT: Ive just used the savegame scanner and OMG......it says that the paprysus is taking up 25MB of the save, thats......insane.....and sounds complelety wrong right? Shouldnt be that much im sure


Also, my scripts folder contains 10,000 items, can someone check theirs and tell me if it contains

Folder called source (within the scripts folder, contains 10,000 scripts)

Edited by thelonewarrior
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I got this too. I've only ever played on version 1.5, and I have a few mods. I started to notice super long save times, and a complete video lock up every minute or so. The lock up eventually got to be 10-15 seconds each, and up to 20 seconds to do a quicksave (ha!). That character has 93 hours, and the save file is up to 122 mb. yeah. 122. I started a new character, and the initial save as "prisoner" was 3.5 mb. Since then, the new guy has a little over 10 hours, and the save file has been bouncing between 4 and 4.5 mb for the last 10 saves, so it seems stable. For now. If anyone finds a way to fix this, that would be amazing. I'd hate to just have my new character unplayable later on, too, and I'd really like to play my old one again.
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