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Extreme load times


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When i start from a save it takes over half an hour for the game to load what can i do to reduce this time? Once I am in game load times are much better. I have 121 mods and 15 texture mods most high def. the only time the initial load is shorter is with starting a new game but this is a very recently started game my character is still level 1. Please help me i really want to play this game badly. I have tried and disabled the texture mods to see if it makes a difference but alas it doesnt. Edited by shadowfx78
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If bloating has indeed occurred then it is now part of your saved game even if you have removed the file. You might want to check the size of your saved game to see.


Edit: I found the post that I was referring to here.




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Check your savegame file size. If it isn't disgustingly oversized, I would try removing all texture mods to see how loading times are with an unmodified game. After this, add the mods one by one (at least the big ones), checking loading times after each newly added mod.


Also, defrag your harddrive if you haven't done that in a long time. If files from mods are spread across your drive, loading times will suffer.

Edited by gurgelstock
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It's the same here, mostly. I don't use ENB and I don't use many HD textures, my save games aren't bloated, and even new games sometimes have this problem, even on a vanilla Skyrim with no mods. It's seemingly random. Not only that, but defragging and getting rid of registery errors didn't help.
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well i have narrowed the culprit down a bit its a mod that is causing the problem now to figure out which mod it is. will report back after some testing.



Update ok i have narrowed the field of culprits quite a bit I believe it is a mod that uses a number of scripts and that its the scripts that are causing the problem (not confirmed but i am probably right)

Edited by shadowfx78
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