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Havok not working in Creation Kit


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Trying to create corpses for a mod I'm working on and though I was easily accomplishing this in Skyrim, I can't seem to do it here.


I add an npc. I click 'start dead' and I put health to <0. When I place the npc in CK, it stands like an npc. When I click 'havok' nothing happens. If I then click the npc while havok is selected, still nothing happens.


In-game, the npc is dead and has havoked properly, but I'd like some control in the CK.


Any suggestions ? This is driving me nuts because it's going to be something really really dumb that I am failing to do.

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Chuck--that did it. Problem solved. No idea how given that I didn't really muck around with the .ini.


Thanks for provoking me out of my stubbornness to check the .inis.



Haven't seen this issue myself but, the first thing I would try is to remove the CreationKitPrefs.ini and relaunch and rebuild a new vanilla one.


That's the best I've got.



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Clearing and letting the CK redo the iniâs can also help CK load times sometimes.

Goodness knows why, though, heh.


But yeah, Iâm totally of the mind that CK does sneaky self edits to the iniâs sometimes. Again goodness knows why, but I swear it does. :/


The Bethesda fairy strikes again! :teehee: I usually burn some incense before I load it up, just to try and get/stay in her good graces.

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Haha. I still remember that time I learned that inserting a mini-jack into the mic. input of my computer stopped the crashes in the dialogue window (Skyrim IIRC). And that other time I was stuck for hours trying to figure out why my beautifully crafted cell in Fallout 3 suddenly stopped working (a lockpick rolled from a table in the render window while havok was on and fell beneath the floor. That was enough).


Total madness.

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Clearing and letting the CK redo the iniâs can also help CK load times sometimes.

Goodness knows why, though, heh.


But yeah, Iâm totally of the mind that CK does sneaky self edits to the iniâs sometimes. Again goodness knows why, but I swear it does. :/

So much this. Removing the .ini file has been my first CK troubleshooting step for a while now, after realizing how many ills it can cure. Nearly all of the time whatever wonkiness I had goes away and I can get back to work without banging my head on the desk trying to figure out what the problem is.


It reminds me of my Mac OS 7/8/9 days when troubleshooting step No. 1 was trashing an application's Preferences file.

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