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What war? Here in America, there is a war on:


Women, food, Christmas, Easter, seasons, school children, men, elections, constitution, computers, internet, number, sugar, plastic wrapping, dog food, terrorism, Ipods, police, crime, justice, court, jail, police, violence, football, basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, water, tea, soda, bills, borders, religion, BRICK WALLS, and TVs.

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War exists because people will fight over anything they have a disagreement over.


Not to mention that it seems to be one of our favorite passtimes, to the point that we spend billions of dollars per year trying to find better ways to kill our fellow man.......

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gamer45413, you are a new name, at least to me, on these discussion forums, and I think maybe some responders may not think that your question was a serious one.


I think perhaps it is a serious question, but one that is somewhat difficult to answer simply, in such a structure as this one.


My feeble attempt will be as follows. War results after mankind has (hopefully) attempted to come to an agreement over some issue* by more peaceful means and has determined that neither side is willing to make the concessions requested and/or required by the other. Eventually one side decides to take the matter to a more aggressive level, and voila... WAR!!! It is a constant in our lives, because unfortunately too many governments have learned that it works or that it is the easiest and/or the quickest means to an end. In many cases that proves to be true; but in many more cases it does not, and the wars are endless and pointless.


*The issue may be land, religion, politics, all of the above, or none of the above. Sometimes it just does not matter.






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hello i have a question


"why is there war and why is it a constant in our lives"


This is one of those fundamental questions of life, like "why do I exist" etc. etc., and is very easy to grasp or comprehend when you look at who you are dealing with, namely ...... people.


I go to war with you because I want what you have ... or you go to war with me because you want what I have ... and therefore, in many cases I go to war with you to prevent you from taking what I have.

Also, I go to war with you or vice versa because you won't let me have what you have ... this is the primary reason for war.

Check the history books, all wars revolve around this premise.


And it will NEVER EVER end EVER ... it's a heart condition ... if you can get people to be satisfied with what they have, with their lot in life, then you will end war ... very simple.

But that is wishful thinking ... the human race wants to improve itself ... nothing wrong with that except that some will never get what they desire by taking the "normal route" whatever that may be and so it's going

to at the expense of others and on a grand scale between nations this is called ... war.


The small scale of this can be found in our personal relationships, between sports teams, product or service control by companies, political parties etc., etc ... here there is not neccessarily a los of life although that

does sometimes happen, but when it's between nations ... you know the answer to that one.

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