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New Worldspace

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I'm going to try asking for help again.


I'm trying to create a new worldspace for a mod I'm working on. I tried to be smart about it right from the beginning by just duplicating an existing space and edit it to suit my needs but when I went to edit the space it was 'broken' - as in areas of the terrain were not lining up and/or there were holes everywhere. I thought it was just the result of the portals, roombounds and markers, so I went ahead and started removing objects and enemies from the space.


When I was done, I loaded up my game and used the COW console command to teleport to my new space and it was just as broken in game as it was in the CK.


Next I tried simply creating a new one and specifying an existing space as a template, this created a space with a bunch of terrain but no objects or enemies, which was all fine and dandy, I figured I could just put in whatever I needed and it would be more unique than editing an existing world. To verify it was working I placed a COCMarkerHeading, saved, then loaded the game and once again used the COW command to teleport to the new space. This time it was still broken with LOD objects from the template space.


I really need some help with this, if at the very least someone can point me in the right direction (preferably to a tut that could make a five-year-old understand it) that would be greatly appreciative. The Creation Kit wiki does a horrible job of explaining anything as it assumes whoever is reading it already knows everything there is to know about the program and how it operates. Blah!


Thanks for any and all assistance!

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Does anyone know where I can find an easy-to-understand tutorial for landscape editing/creation in the CK? I've so far managed to create a new space, give it a little bit of depth (mountains that look like tall, pointy dirt hills lulz) and now I need to figure out how to make it look less like a desert. I'd be greatly appreciative if someone can point me in the right direction for this. I keep trying the Creation Kit wiki but Hell if I understand most of what's there.



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Extract from here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615805-/61949243



Posted 2/14/2012 12:04:20 PM


Water: Edit the cell itself, check "Has Water," adjust height as necessary until the underwater area is submerged.


Blood: Look for blood decal Texture Sets (TXST). The arrows point to where the blood will be projected and it can be viewed in-editor as long as "Decals" is checked in the Show/Hide window.



Hope this can help you.

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Extract from here: http://www.gamefaqs....15805-/61949243



Posted 2/14/2012 12:04:20 PM


Water: Edit the cell itself, check "Has Water," adjust height as necessary until the underwater area is submerged.



What I was looking for was the rushing water animations and such, but I found them and they don't really work with the way I have my space set up.


I have run into another problem though. I have the layout more or less finished, I have a navmesh and some landscape items cluttering the area, really the only thing left to do is add some enemies and generate the LOD, AFTER I figure out why my dragon is flying through the ground... He'll land on the surface okay but he flies low and when he does his "fly-bys" he's half in the ground. Any idea what's causing this?


This is my first time creating a new Worldspace in any Bethesda game, or any game period for that matter. I appreciate the responses I've received so far. I'm hoping this is the last hiccup I encounter before I'm able to start on the quest aspect of my mod and get it released!


One more thing on the water issue, I don't suppose there's a way to give it the consistency of lava? To my knowledge there aren't any places in the vanilla game that use lava which is somewhat odd in my opinion so I'm not sure if it's possible without doing some major modification. If it isn't then the water I have now will suffice.

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I still haven't figure out why that dragon clips through the ground when he's flying around. I've tried placing sky markers but that doesn't help anything either. I don't know anything about heightmaps so I don't know if something needs to be done in order to get his flight-path fixed. This is the biggest bug right now...


Once again any help is appreciated here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know about your dragon issues but, if generating LOD is anything like FO3, FNV you've got another big headache coming. ( I haven't spent much time playing with skyrim's CK but, in the FO3, FNV GECK you had to find all of the LOD files, extract the meshes to your Meshes folder, convert all of the LOD textures to TGA files and, place them outside of the game folder in another folder called source. The proper path was Source\Textures TGA\ "So on in there textures proper file paths".


If you didn't have all files in the proper location you would end up with major issues. Skyrim might be different but, I only assume that the DEV's didn't change things too much.


I do hope this helps in what ever limited way it can. I'm no expert on LOD for Skyrim.

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