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Baldur's Gate, AND MORE!


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So i totally rebuilt an old Dell desktop, the kind youd find in your highschool library about ten years ago, just so I can play Civ II. Anyone else out there share my love for this classic game?


I also play other games like; Starcraft, Warcraft II, Diablo, Dungeon Keeper, Baldur's Gate 1... and 2!


Gotta love BG1-2. Top down RPG's are a lot of fun and this one I still can load up and find new stuff to do... I have heard that they're going to re-release the series! let me find you guys that link...


Baldur's Gate II ENHANCED


Cant wait!

Edited by achmell
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I still play my old games too.


In fact, I still have yet to finish BG2. LOL!


That enhanced version sounds cool, but I dunno if I can go through that first chapter in BG2 again. It was great the first time, but by the fourth time, it gets very tedious to go through.

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It seems like the older games are all I ever play anymore. Come to think of it I think the newest game I have played in the past 6 months was Oblivion!


I have beena playin Starcraft, Warcraft 1&2, Fallout 1&2, Jagged Aliance 1&2, Space Quests 1-3, Police Quest, Arena and Angband.


On the downside however, I only ever played Diablo 1 once, I got bored halfway through it and rushed to the end. I haven't had the courage to pick it up again or try part 2. The same thing happened with Baulders Gate, one the best CRPGs ever made and I can't get past disc 2.

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I still play my old games too.


In fact, I still have yet to finish BG2. LOL!


That enhanced version sounds cool, but I dunno if I can go through that first chapter in BG2 again. It was great the first time, but by the fourth time, it gets very tedious to go through.

There is a mod that adds a NPC to the very start that will let you skip the very first chapter if you talk with him, while gaining all the loot and experience immediately. Kinda how the "skip the fade" mod for DA:O worked. Of course, it probably won't work in the "enhanced" ediition.


And on topic, I missed all the good "classics" while they were still new, so I only started BG1 and BG2 2009 - and absolutely loved it.


Right now I'm playing fallout 2 and having a blast. Only thing that makes it a bit hard to get into these old games is the lack of voice overs - if the "enhanced editions" will just make the voice overs a bit more frequent, then that would be enough to make it a day 1 purchase for me.

Edited by amycus
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  • 4 weeks later...
Baldur's gate and Icewind dale, great games. I played Baldurs gate and Icewind dale trough. Got stuck in that forest with vampires in Baldurs gate II. Icewind dale II i never finished either. Liked it most though. Mainly because snow and night lighteffects. I used to make my own character pictures and also one soundset. That's what I like on these games, charactercreation has so many options. I remember legendary lines from Baldur's gate, like: "you must gather your party before venturing forth" and "My inn is open to all who behave themselves" :biggrin:
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  • 4 years later...

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