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FNIS test version 7.2 SE XXL VortexMO


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I have just uploaded this test version. It includes a couple of features to be used with Vortex and MO. Most notably File Redirection which supports profiles with FNIS.


From the Readme:


(1) File Redirection

(2) Start FNIS from command line
(3) FNIS execution without GUI (FNIS window)
(1) File Redirection
This allows you to redirect all relevant FNIS generated files into folder outside Skyrim\Data (to support Vortex/MO profiles). It includes all files that change the Skyrim animation functionality. FNIS temporary files and logs will still be written to the to the regular places (under data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users). To use this functionality, FNIS will take a parameter
RedirectFiles=<folder outside of Skyrim\Data>
To activate File Direction, you need to set the patch for "File Redirection (Vortex/MO profiles support)".
If you start FNIS from command line, this patch is automatically implied.
(2) Start FNIS from command line
FNIS can be started from a command line
<FNIS_path>\GenerateFNISforUsers <FNIS_ini_parameters>
This is a feature primarily for Vortex, but can be used otherwise (especially in combination with (3))
The <FNIS_ini_parameters> are the same that can be specified in the FNIS.ini file (see below).
(3) FNIS execution without GUI (FNIS window)
FNIS can be started without opening the FNIS window. The parameters (patches) are the same as in the last FNIS run.
The FNIS window will only pop up if FNIS has to report error or warnings.
It is recommended that you use this feature only from a windows .bat file (see (2)), because otherwise you will not see when FNIS is done.
This feature is activates with
FNIS ini parameters
The following FNIS ini parameters can be set both in the FNIS.ini, or as command line parameters when called from a .bat file.
If a parameter is defined in both places, the command line takes precedence.
PSCD=0 (deactivate the "Proper Spell Cast Direction" fix)
RedirectFiles=<folder outside of Skyrim\Data> (file redirection folder - for Vortex/MO profiles e.g. C:\Games\Vortex_Redirect)
InstantExecute=1 (run FNIS without opening the FNIS window


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I apologize. There is a problem which happened only if you don't have Alternate Animations. That's why I didn't see it myself.

I just uploaded a Version 2 of this.

Thanks, rmm. Although I would think that someone testing on this level would not try to use the download button!? :D

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Have tested this yesterday, seems to work like a charm. Only thing I noticed is that when you set redirectionfiles on the command line it uses it correctly but there is no tick on the patch so that could confuse users.


Thank you for your confirmation. Now I think I can release 7.3 this weekend.


I made the set redirectionfiles without the tick on purpose, and have mentioned it in the readme. Mostly I'm not clear about the Vortex use case you have in mind. I thought that a command line invocation would most likely go with instanexecute, so the GUI would not be seen anyway.


If I set the tick automatically, it would mean that the parameters are modified via command line call. And that's what we didn't have in mind. And if I re-set the tick on exit, FNIS would not store what the user is seeing. Whatever I do, there is some level of confusion. But if you think that setting the tick is the least confusing, I can do it. It' for Vortex, and you have the Vortex view.

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