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Adding hair to races without taking all day


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First off, I will apologize for asking a question that has been most likely asked many times already. Just searching through forums that have been around as long as this would take a while.


I have founds ways to add hair to custom races online - but they are painstakingly slow, manually adding each hair to each race one at a time. Is there a fast and easy way to do this?




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I'm not sure myself, but the way I do it may actually be that "long" way. Make sure you have the race you want to add the hair to in the "active plugin" and what ever hair styles you want to add (like Ren's or Cazy (?)) selected as just plain plugin files. (This method works for me with eyes also). I open up one window for the Race, under the "body data" tab, then open another window for hair (or eyes) that is directly above the Race select. You should be able to add literally any hair style in the game to that race, to do this: Drag n Drop.


After youre done moving what ever you want into your new race, save as esp or esm (whichever you decide to try and make it as) and see if it worked.


Doing it this way MIGHT take you a while the first time, BUT the next time you have to do it, should only take like 5 minutes, not even if you only want to add a very few things or are only choosing from 1 or 2 mod plugins.


Hope this helped.



I am not a very experienced modder, however I do mess around with my game so something that doesn't wreck mine *could* wreck yours (as with all mods, right?)


Also, if you want to add spells and other junk, the Construction Set operates on a drag n drop system (I took a while before I learned this)

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First off, I will apologize for asking a question that has been most likely asked many times already. Just searching through forums that have been around as long as this would take a while.


I have founds ways to add hair to custom races online - but they are painstakingly slow, manually adding each hair to each race one at a time. Is there a fast and easy way to do this?





This appears to be slightly faster than way I had been doing it. I will try it out tomorrow and hopefully have success.




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Perhaps you could get the hair data from a source mod (Ren's, RBP, ect.) with Tes4Gecko. Then merge it with the whatever race mod or make a patch. Afterwards, assigning the hair in the CS. I don't know much about Tes4Gecko other than the basic functions, so I'm not certain the exact steps to doing this.
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