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WTH Moments in Fallout 3


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I saw an Eyebot take on a Mr. Gutsy...and win. I would have thought the Mr. Gutsy would win.


Charon and my toon were attacked by a Raider...who tripped/cartwheeled over some rubble as he was charging Charon and died. so far as I could tell, he'd not even been hit yet.


And, I know this one isn't big news but it was the first time I'd seen it:


This morning, I was shooting a deathclaw...and suddenly, he zoomed straight up into the sky! Then he came back down, and we fought a bit, and then he did it again, never to return.


"I must go, my planet needs me!" *zoom*


What are your favorite F3 WTH moments?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Venturing into some metro-tunnels with Marts Mutant Mod - seeing some ghouls, bringing up my shotgun and thinking: "This is going to be a breeze" - and then noticing there's 20-30 of them behind the corner :ohdear:
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Venturing into some metro-tunnels with Marts Mutant Mod - seeing some ghouls, bringing up my shotgun and thinking: "This is going to be a breeze" - and then noticing there's 20-30 of them behind the corner :ohdear:

Happens to me a lot. Gotta love them MMM increased spawns.


Some weird Havok miscalculations are the key to a lot of the funniest moments I get in FO3. For example, I killed a supermutant once, I believe it was in VATS, and for some reason, the corpse flew some 40 feet toward me. I still don't know why that happened. It's like I was using a pulling gun or something. There are also times when raiders will die, but their corpses fall into some weird gap in the terrain or something. So Havok doesn't know what to do with it, so it ends up making the corpse dance or otherwise move around. It gets pretty violent and creepy sometimes, with the hand trying to go one way and the leg trying to go another.

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Ah, there are too many WTH moments. Just as a few random examples off the top of my head:


- I enter the Rivet City market probably a minute before closing time. Suddenly everyone starts screaming at me and then shooting. WHAT. THE. EFF. Can't some cop just escort me out? Since when it's a hanging offense to be in a store when the closing time hits?


- If I as little as look at some item in a shop, everyone starts treating me like I was already measuring if it fits in my trenchcoat. But really, it's stupid beyond belief. Aren't those guys trying to sell the stuff? Exactly how does buying in a RL shop work for the Bethesda designers?


- I rescue Red and Shorty and don't even ask for a reward, plus save that guy on the operating table, and then Red treats me as a thief if I even look at an empty syringe.


- Before saving that guy though, I first help them defend against the mutants. Everyone is cheering and clapping hands. I go into the clinic, and the unconscious guy on the operating table is cheering and clapping too.


- I rescue the BOS recruit, and on the way out he berates me for accidentally kicking a can. I came this close to spreading his brains on the wall and telling Paladin Hoss, "damn, I'm sorry, the mutants had already killed the guy."


- Get your own creepy stalkers: I started charging for saving the BOS recruit, because if not, he and Hoss promise to help me in that zone... but they seem to forget where the zone ends. I end up with stuff like waking up from sleep to find them in my home watching me, and then they suddenly run away.


- I help defend the radio station, the BOS say I can go in. Dumbly enough, instead of using the intercom, I click on the door. And I mean, it's not like I can even lockpick it, and they just said it's ok to go in, right? Everyone starts shooting at me.


- Before Broken Steel, going to the irradiated purifier at the end of the game with either Charon or Fawkes, both of which are immune to radiation, and in Fawkes's case it was even used in the story before, but you can't get either of them to go in instead of you or Sarah.


- Make a difference, actually escort Dad back to Rivet City. If you just fast travel, he gets there in good shape and all. If you actually follow him, the guy gets into a fight with every ghoul, mutant, raider, etc, and steps on a bunch of mines too, arriving as a crippled wreck,


- Try to play rescuing the rangers with increased spawns on. It's almost guaranteed that you end up hostile with the rangers, for failing to save them. Which seems a bit extreme, you know? There's a difference between being incompetent and being their enemy.


- Pretty much every other game if I attempt to help defend Big Town by activating the robots, Havoc will have bounced one of them half a mile away. Cue one or more of those teenagers having to fight their way across the wasteland to reactivate it... when the whole idea was to do that so they don't have to fight themselves.


- Save a wastelander from the mutants across from the Jefferson Memorial, watch him run towards the memorial, come back with a mutant or two in hot pursuit. Vent the mutants' brains, watch the hostage run back at the memorial, come back with another mutant hot on his heels. Repeat two more times before deciding that it's not right to interfere with natural selection :P


- Brisa. Don't get me wrong, it's still my favourite companion, but it gets anywhere between funny and weird to hear her going, "Help! They're shooting at me! I don't think I'm getting out of here alive!"... while she's the one who ran around a corner to unload two magazines on full auto into some hapless raider that never even had the time to pull out his gun :P


- I make a new character, and, well, I know he ended up ugly. And I'm kinda sensitive about it, you know? So, anyway, I go to the Super Duper Mart and I see the Formicula kid running towards me as expected. He looks at me and just runs back :P

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Haha yeah a lot of the things you described, I either had to get or make mods for. I got increased spawns too. For Reilly's Rangers, I actually cheat and turn AI off before I use the door to the rooftop (or right after) so they don't die like 1 second after I get up there.


I hate it also when you're out like carefully and stealthily sniping rangers from 100+m away or something. You're concentrating and even actually trying to time your shots, because you know that if you miss or the other Raiders are too close, then they'll start sniffing you out. Then some NPC like Brian Wilks or a Wastelander runs up to you to talk to you. It was like 3 AM when I was doing that so it was ridiculously dark with Fellout, and I was using nightvision so everything looked weird of course. Suddenly having your camera forcibly turn around is somewhat jarring.


I have not talked to Talon Company at all yet. So they're still not aggressive to me. I shoot them on sight now, usually from afar, so they will never get a chance to talk to me. What's hilarious is even after you kill one of them, especially the leader, the other guys just stand around or even go back to a sandbox point while you're shooting them. D:

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Another WTH moment: I found that tossing a pulse grenade into a room to disable those pesky sentry bots, IF there is a mini-nuke located within that room, it will also detonate, killing everything (possibly even you). It did give me an idea which I tested and found it to work quite well. I place a pulse mine on the ground and drop one mini-nuke nearby, presto! one mini-nuke mine. I use it for mass concentrations of ENCLAVE troops and find it quite effective.
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That reminds me of that area in Tepid Sewers, where Rocksalt spawns. He/she is surrounded by frag mines. I tried tossing a grenade to him once. But the explosion set off all the mines in that narrow passage and it killed me as well. I had no idea disarmed mines would also go off from a grenade at the time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

This happened to me a few times when I fast travel to a Vault Tec...


Dead robot bobies (mostely those who have a brain) fall near to me from the skis just like someone blowed them up with an Experimental MIRV, but the bodies are in perfect condition, just dead.

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