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Problem with the comments in firefox 3


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The first comment will always be displayed in a scroll bar, even if there's not many long sentences. Example here:


http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8938/commentmd9.th.jpg (comments shown from this mod)


using windows XP 32 bit, firefox 3 RC2 but it doesn't prompt me to update - don't think there was any new fixes.

Could it be adblock? nah - just disabled it and there was an ad in place which forces the box to be smaller, my filter should've removed the HTML behind it though

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1280x1024 - using "standard" sized font (FF says times new roman/16 but sites override that with CSS). I just use ctrl+0 to reset the font size back to default - looks a bit too small for my liking so I made it bigger by one "notch"


Hmm, at the default font size there is no scroll bar but the comment box is sized to only about 65% of the width.


default firefox font: http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/628/unoow0.th.jpg

font size + 1 notch: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/4471/twoogb8.th.jpg


also, while I'm here - I noticed the drop-down selection box while searching and there's many pages - nice feature. Would it be possible to include something like that for the comment? I mean, look at this from deadly reflexes: http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9527/drwl6.th.png


looks terrible IMO

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The issue with the first comment being out of place definately looks like an issue caused by the ad/adblocker because it's exactly where the ad is meant to be. I think it's something you'll just have to get used to at this time.


As for the pagination issue in comments; it's something I'm aware about but the last time I took a look there was an issue with getting the drop-down box to work with the AJAX system that operates the tabbed navigation for files.

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Thanks for the fast reply! Maybe I'll create a short greasemonkey script for the site that will increase font sizes on certain sections so I won't have to change *all* the fonts using firefox. After disabling adblock the problem still persists because the <div> area where the ad sits is still in place and forcing the first comment to the left a bit.


damn about that AJAX situation, I've been meaning to learn some of it myself but to be honest, on a site like this it's a bit annoying since it restricts using your back/forward buttons. cheers!

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Thanks for the fast reply! Maybe I'll create a short greasemonkey script for the site that will increase font sizes on certain sections so I won't have to change *all* the fonts using firefox. After disabling adblock the problem still persists because the <div> area where the ad sits is still in place and forcing the first comment to the left a bit.


There was a nice big uproar recently about an article I wrote on my blog regarding some tongue-in-cheek comments about what I thought about people who use adblockers, so suffice it to say I'm not the type of person who goes out of his way to make amenity fixes for people who use them! ;D But you're right; it's the div block that the ad sits in that is the problem!


The back/forward button thing can get a bit annoying, and I forget that they don't work on file pages every day, but when the page needs to display as much information as it does I decided it was the best way. I quite like the tabbed navigation.

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it's alright :D I can live with it. I tend to read the comments over here a lot before downloading a file, they're much better than a site like youtube. I disabled AB and clicked a few of your ads anyway to make up for the thousands of times they've been blocked (they just look...so wrong on the comments.


I guess delivering most of the site via AJAX is saving a bit of bandwidth especially when you host so many big, popular mods.

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