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What Have I just Found?


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@Rooker75, it's just a small "+" shaped holding space with a bunch of bodies piled in the center - you can find a few youtube vid's people posted.

just revisited the space to check the identities of the bad guys the game forces you to kill; however, i found elderly Octieve San

(Solitude Breton found near the Winking Skeever) alive and well in there for some reason.


Guessing he didn't run fast enough from the last deadly dragons mod attack on Solitude; anyway, i just happened to be in Solitude Proudspire Manor with Jordis

so i ran over to the entrance of the Winking Skeever and used:

prid 000198B4 (RefID)

moveto player

he appeared, said something philosophical about being old, and promptly waltzed back into the Winking Skeever to continue his usual drinking and gambling lol.


also found a live Malborn in there (Bosmer serving boy, informant for the Blades Diplomatic Immunity quest) and will probably try to get him out of that twilight zone too.

hard not to feel sorry for any live npc's trapped in there..

Edited by xlcr
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  • 4 months later...


That sounds really interesting. Someone post a picture! :blink:






Sorry to Necro this, but I was just trying to find out myself. :whistling:


Some pictures linked here.



Edited by Shadeybladey
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