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Legolas Look Alike not possible


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I've been trying to make a character like Legolas (Orlando Bloom) from LOTR, but its impossible. I added a few mods, but I'm not even close. This was as far I got.




I dont know what happened with the skin above the brows. I dont feel like playing Skyrim anymore lol. Maybe I'll just stick with LOTRO and War in the North. :wallbash:

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The problem being that elves don't look in any way human in this game. They have weird long pointy heads and funny eyes.


Yeah.When I first saw the elves in Skyrim I was like"wtf". They look nothing like the portrayed elves of most of games. They look like a deformed human, not a graceful being that they're supposed to be. Why couldn't Bethesda just went with the flow and made them look like elves from other games. I dont want unique if its going to look horrible.


you try the mod "humanized elves?" I haven't looked at it but I saw it while browsing the other day. Perhaps that is what you were using to get as far as you did.


I actually have not used that mod. I was planning to, but I couldn't find it again, since I forgot the name. I guess I can also look around if there's some hidden mod on another site that replaces the default elf head meshes.

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I'm not into the elf thing at all but you might like something like this? I mean he (she?) looks pretty elfy to me.





Edited by Morwyn Kelm
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