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Werewolf Human Form Appearance


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Hi there!

First of all, sorry for my bad english, lol.

I've seen many mods to add every sort of "kawaii" and cute thingy, such as cat ears and tails, body modifications, face customizations and morphs, so I think that what I want to propose, is widely realizable.

It would be awesome (at least for me and probably to many other werewolf players out there) to have a more wolfish appearance in human form, and this not necessarily modeling new 3D stuff. For example, Wolf tails (based on the werewolf/wolf tail model), to be added to the humanoid skeleton model, wolf ears, wolf claws (might be based on retextured kahjiit hands) and vampire/orc teeths (wolves have sharp teeths both up and down).


All the things I listed here, might be both WEARABLE (for character customization, no link at all with werewolves),

or LORE-FRIENDLY (the body morph apply automatically after contracting lycanthropy), for a more realistic (and maybe more complex) mod


In both cases, it would be a great appearance enhancement for all werewolf players that want to feel their inner beast even when not totally shapeshifted.

Consider my request, please ç_ç XD


P.S.: It will be also great some mod that give more powers to werewolves in their human form... it is known that they have some peculiar skills when not transformed too such as a very strong sense of smell (detect life and dead), nightvision, and other skills linked with hunting, as well as a strong empathy with nature, especially other wolves. (Wolves attacking a werewolf brother? WTF!)

I've seen some mods that change some of these features, but no one in a proper and complete way. (I'm still talking of human form, I know there are very well made overhauls for werewolves in their beast form)

However, this would be another mod, separated from the appearance enhancement one... I do not want to make an excessively demanding request, so please consider them as two distinguished ideas XD


I'll be glad if someone will use this idea for modding, so please answer! :D

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  • 1 year later...

I totally agree! This would be awesome!

Has anyone see. legend of Cain? He uses make his character have like werewolf teeth in human form. If there was a mod to make werewolf's in skyrim like real werewolf's in movies. People looking, noticing and crying sort of thing. It was awesome! And scratches on victims and you able to eat them alive, and bones and rib cages! Behind sort of thing. Able to stalk and howl.

Werewolf's would be so awesome! Just it's so hard to make it....but would be worth it.

Anyone know any better werewolf transformations and howls, then Cains ones? I've used all...

And I something a bit more terrifying. Like a howl for Harry potter sort of thing. On the 3 episode.

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Probably nothing like what you asked... But I made this race.


It's a playable race because it's more user friendly, but I have an awesome idea. If you don't transform often your body changes and this is the final stage. What do you think?

This makes lycantrophy more immersive and you actually have to use the power or you have consequences. Just like vampires, if you don't drink blood you become more powerful but people hate you and even attack you in sight.

Edited by Derok
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