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Death sentence : an eye for an eye


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Some folks deserve to be killed for what they have done. However, considering that the average death row inmate spends 15+ years before even coming close to the executioners block, it's really kinda pointless. I don't particularly care for my tax dollars going to support a selection of folks that sit around all day, and watch cable TV, (also at my expense....) get three squares a day, and a warm place to sleep at night, when there are a good collection of folks that haven't committed a crime, that don't have the same thing....


Prisons should become self-supporting. Provide some product for general consumption, either contracted to the state, or, even private corporations. (they obviously need to stay out of the service industry.....) Either that, or draft them into the military...... (give 'em a choice, X number of years in prison, or, X number of years in the military.)

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Prisons should become self-supporting. Provide some product for general consumption, either contracted to the state, or, even private corporations. (they obviously need to stay out of the service industry.....) Either that, or draft them into the military...... (give 'em a choice, X number of years in prison, or, X number of years in the military.)

Dear God ..you want some social reject watching your back? No thanks....keep them far away from the military. But if you want to put them to work then put them to fixing the roads ......oh wait we used to do that.....but that was too uncivil of us to actually expect labor that benefited the public. :rolleyes:

Edited by Aurielius
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Prisons should become self-supporting. Provide some product for general consumption, either contracted to the state, or, even private corporations. (they obviously need to stay out of the service industry.....) Either that, or draft them into the military...... (give 'em a choice, X number of years in prison, or, X number of years in the military.)

Dear God ..you want some social reject watching your back? No thanks....keep them far away from the military. But if you want to put them to work then put them to fixing the roads ......oh wait we used to do that.....but that was too uncivil of us to actually expect labor that benefited the public. :rolleyes:


It used to be an option for various crimes....... I am not suggesting that we put rapists/murderers/etc into the military...... That would just be a silly idea. :D


Yeah, they used to make license plates too.... but, for some reason, that was 'unconstitutional'........ We can't force prisoners to do it, but, non-criminals CAN? What's that all about? Our society has some pretty serious issues, brought on in the name of "mercy", or, "political correctness", etc. We are our own worst enemies.

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New idea for murders, rapists, and so on and so forth. The best part is that it is cheap, just the cost of a .357 bullet! Line them against the wall and aim for the head.


Quick and simple. Not so clean.


We are a society of hypocrites. We want roads fixed (playing on example before) but when we get people to do it, its not right.


Also, I would not want any criminals in the military. Given that sort of training, when they are released that could cause some pretty and destructive results.

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I was sitting with a few friends earlier this week and one of them told me a story of people they knew where the son was going out with some girl who was recently divorced ... the ex husband was one of those who

guys who refuse to let go and so he blackmailed another guy to throw a handgrenade through the window and kill his ex-wife's boyfriend ... the killer at first refused to do so but he was told that if he did

not do what he was told then his wife and kid would be killed.


So he went and threw the grenade through the window but the guy was out that evening instead his mother and another young girl (family member), who had had come over to stay with the mother were in the room.

Both of them were blown to bits ... the killer was caught and sent to prison, but before he went he told how he was coerced into this murderous act ... the guy who had contracted him was arrested and sentenced.

Today he's most probably someone's girlfriend ... or worse, because you don't harm kids ... ever.


But even though he killed someone he did not do it out of spite, greed, hate or malice or robbery ... he most definitely is not some "social reject", he had no choice, even if he went to the cops the people he was dealing with

would have gotten to him or his family somehow.


I am all FOR THE DEATH PENALTY, if you take a life then yours must be taken in exchange ... no if's or but's ... that is not something to compromise on ... I don't give a hoot about what society says ... I don't care about hypocrasy or this theory or that social program ... you kill someone then you are going to pay with your life ... finished and klaar.


He did the crime and now he's doing time ... BUT I'm not going to squeeze everyone who has killed someone into the same mold and call them social misfits or rejects.

And it is here ... and it is only here that we should make an exception to send someone to their death .... when there are provable extenuating circumstances.


I also heard another story on the news today while driving ... a man and his wife were arrested for the murder of their two year old ... the child was found to have over 250 breaks in it's bones ... how can you not want to see them go to their death ... what excuse or reason is there to let them live ?

Just give me the gun ... don't worry about anything, I'll take care of it for you. :nuke:

Edited by Nintii
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If they change the prison sentence to military sentence, I swear...…


I don't want people who are forced to be in war watching my back. No, that's NOT happening.




I support the death sentence, by any means, if someone murders 50 people, you just want them to serve life in prison? Why? I'd rather them be gone forever then still be staining the Earth.


If someone kills 4 people, throw them in prison for life. If it's 8, give them solitary confinement for life. If it's 14+, kill them.

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If they change the prison sentence to military sentence, I swear...…


I don't want people who are forced to be in war watching my back. No, that's NOT happening.




I support the death sentence, by any means, if someone murders 50 people, you just want them to serve life in prison? Why? I'd rather them be gone forever then still be staining the Earth.


If someone kills 4 people, throw them in prison for life. If it's 8, give them solitary confinement for life. If it's 14+, kill them.


Didn't seem to work so bad in Vietnam, were 90% of the troops were draftees...... :D

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Yeah....we kinda already had two debates on this already, and as one of those operators, I'll tell you what I keep telling them: the death penalty is wrong. It's much better to lock someone else away and let them rot than becoming the monster that kills them. That's only what they want: to play with your emotions and twist your life around like a Twizzler. Edited by Keanumoreira
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