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A little Help please


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ok so a couple of months back I started to make my own mods, ive made a couple of larger house mods and a few small tweaks on request. ive got a lot more confident with the CK and modding in general so I thought this time id test my skills a little further. I obtained permission from another MA someone who makes wonderful top notch mods to include one of their armors in the house I'm making. Ive added out side assets such as meshes than that before. Ive managed to add a couple of weapons and thought while an armor takes a little more work to add I thought I could do it. I first opened the mod with the armor in and noted down the weights armor rating and such. I then loaded up my own mod and imported the nif files, created the armor and the armor addon. I was lucky the armor seems to use textures already within the game. I managed to set all the armor up right... or so I thought.


When I go to add the armor into the cell I wish to have it within the mod I'm making it appears, but I get the warning Root 3d for reference is not a fade note. It then goes onto say that as such I cannot move it. Can anyone eplain what this warning means, if its just another Useless CK warning or how I can set about fixing this issue. ive spent the past hour or so going back and forth between my own mod and the mod with the armor so I can make sure it is the same in my mod as it is in the orginal mod with the armor. it all seems to be the same but I still keep getting the same problem...


I really want this armor within my mod as the location I have it in kinda allows for some lore, kinda like what the OMA of the armor had planned, its just been slightly tweaked to explain why the armor is where it is. Its been hiden in a secret location hidden within the arena ive built for this house mod and as such I really want to reward the player for exploring and this armor would do just that. I'm also concerned that if its something that I'm doing wrong that if I abandon this armor and try another armor ill still get the same problem.


Id like to thank you all for reading this, I know it was long winded but this house mod is kinda my baby, ive been working on it for about 2 and a half months and still no where near finishing, I want to make it perfect for all types of characters, so any player on any play through can use this as a base of operations

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ok thanks for that. I'm guessing itll be ok then. the ma who created the armour is well known, so I'm sure if it caused an issue it would have been fixed. thanks for your reply. I just couldn't find anything on the google about what the warning was, and with the warnings that are always popping up I weren't sure if it was one of the pointless warnings or one to worry about. Thank you for your reply.. I feel a bit easier about moving that section of the mod along now

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