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Stuff......in pots!


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How do i put stuff into pots?

The hard part is shoving that complete Daedric armor thru the botleneck :)


Just kidding, but I really don't know what you means. I saw sometime ago mods for farming and I think at least one allows having/placing plants in then. Beyond this I don't know anything alike.

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u know, the little orange clay things found all over the world, cooking pots i think they're called, i know that u can put stuff into them, i just dont know how, some1 pls help!


Edit - and they have a lid

Yet don't know what you want. But as a rule, things that are meant to be interacted with are aways some kind of activator. You can make one as such and attach some scripting to it.

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They're actually Covered Pots, and there's two kinds: one you can put things in, the other is just clutter. The ones you can put things in are all stationary, and probably respawn, so they're unsafe to store things in.
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